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Rural Health Information Hub

Importance of Sustainability Planning for Rural Transportation Programs

A sustainability plan outlines strategies to ensure the successful establishment and continuation of a transportation program. Sustainability may involve maintaining program services, staff members, and community partnerships. Transportation programs should tailor sustainability plans to their specific needs, goals, and resources.

Key topics to consider when planning for sustainability include:

  • Planning for the continued engagement of partners
  • Considering what contributions partners can provide
  • Monitoring population demographics and trends in the community
  • Considering what fees may be appropriate for services and infrastructure maintenance
  • Tracking the impact of the program
  • Leveraging human, financial, and in-kind resources from the community

The Sustainability Planning Tools section can help rural organizations plan for sustainability and ensure the long-term success of all types of programs.

Resources to Learn More

Regional Rural Transportation Planning: State Models for Local Consultation, Regional Coordination, and Regional Transportation Planning Organizations
Provides information about regional transportation planning organizations (RTPOs) and their programs in nonmetropolitan regions of 32 states. Covers statewide mapping projects, coordinated human services transportation and mobility management, and partnerships addressing regional issues.
Author(s): Kissel, C., Schwartz, B., Janes, S., & Dyer, S.
Organization(s): National Association of Development Organizations Research Foundation
Date: 7/2016

State Resource Center: Innovative Infrastructure Funding, Financing and Delivery
Provides technical assistance and capacity building support to governors and staff interested in learning about alternative project delivery models, public-private partnerships for infrastructure maintenance, long term leasing of public assets, and support for infrastructure investments. projects.
Organization(s): National Governors Association