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Rural Health Information Hub

About the Rural Health Information Hub

Your First STOP for Rural Health INFORMATION

If you're looking for information, opportunities, and resources on rural health, you've come to the right place.

The Rural Health Information Hub is funded by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy to be a national clearinghouse on rural health issues. We are committed to supporting healthcare and population health in rural communities.

The RHIhub is your guide to improving health for rural residents—we provide access to current and reliable resources and tools to help you learn about rural health needs and work to address them.

The RHIhub can help you:

Find toolkits and program models that show what works in rural communities so that you can build effective community health programs. Locate statistics, maps, and more to help you demonstrate need in your area.

Get the information you need to build, maintain, and improve services in your community. The RHIhub online library offers easy access to thousands of resources from organizations across the U.S. Search federal, state, and foundation funding opportunities for those that might fund your project.

Gain insight and understanding of the issues affecting rural America through topic guides, timely news, and updates. Every morning you can get the latest news and regulations relevant to rural health. Hear right away about the newest key reports and opportunities from federal agencies and national organizations via the website, social media, or our regular email updates.

Find others who have passion and expertise in rural health issues. Our resources can help you identify organizations and experts on a variety of topics, as well as in your state.

This 3-minute video provides an overview of RHIhub services.