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Rural Health Information Hub

The Rural Monitor

Building a Rural Cancer Care Network: Federal Funding Supports Collaboration of Urban, Regional, and Local Organizations

November 27, 2024
Leveraging a federal care coordination grant, an urban nonprofit organization, a regional healthcare system with rural locations, and a local rural physician's office are creating a new cancer care network in rural Georgia. Several elements of this network's holistic approach include grant-supported work focusing on rural patient navigation and clinical cancer trial enrollment.

Improving Care and Accessibility for Rural Patients with Disabilities

October 2, 2024
Rural people with disabilities face barriers to healthcare, such as transportation, inaccessible buildings, and providers' lack of experience or confidence treating this patient population. Experts, including a public health department in Montana and a disability and health program in New Hampshire, discuss these barriers and ways to improve accessibility and communication with patients with disabilities.

Rural Louisiana Programs Create Healthier Schools

August 28, 2024
Two FORHP Delta States Rural Development Network grantees are improving children's health in rural Louisiana schools. The Adolescent Pre-Diabetes Prevention Program screens high school students and provides Healthy Lifestyle lessons, while the EatMoveGrow program increases nutrition and physical activity opportunities in elementary schools.