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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health Philanthropy

Philanthropic organizations nationwide are engaged in helping improve population health and healthcare in rural communities. They have developed innovative and successful approaches to connect with rural communities and target resources effectively. The Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP), as one of the conveners of the Rural Health Public-Private Partnership, is working with RHIhub to highlight the innovative work foundations and trusts are funding in rural areas. These feature stories and case studies capture some of the work that is underway and the people that are making things happen.

Rural Health Philanthropy: An Incubator for New Solutions

In this brief video, representatives of philanthropic organizations discuss the importance of supporting rural communities and how rural projects can help funders discover innovative solutions:

Philanthropic Rural Health Models & Innovations

Georgia Health Initiative's CDFI Investments RHPP Partner
As the only statewide private foundation in Georgia with the sole focus of improving health, Georgia Health Initiative (formerly the Healthcare Georgia Foundation) supports Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) that in turn provide low-interest loans and other support to rural healthcare efforts.

MoCAP RHPP Partner
The Missouri Foundation for Health helps rural organizations secure funding to improve health outcomes via free grant writing services, technical assistance, and a mailing list of funding opportunities.

Rural Monitor Features

Philanthropy, Cross-Collaboration, and the Ecosystem That Is Rural Healthcare Delivery: Q&A with Dr. Shao-Chee Sim RHPP Partner
September 21, 2022
Shao-Chee Sim, PhD, vice president for research, innovation, and evaluation for the Texas-based Episcopal Health Foundation, shares how philanthropic organizations can support community engagement, make research investments, and leverage cross-funder collaboration to impact the rural healthcare delivery system.

Montana Healthcare Foundation: Leveraging Funds, Providing Technical Assistance, and Supporting Public Health RHPP Partner
February 3, 2021
Aaron Wernham and Scott Malloy of the Montana Healthcare Foundation share how their foundation responded to the COVID-19 pandemic by providing technical assistance, organizing webinars to clarify emergency declaration orders, and creating a grant application assistance initiative.

Maine Health Access Foundation: Reaching Out to Organizations to Provide Directed Grants RHPP Partner
January 27, 2021
Barbara Leonard and Ruta Kadonoff of the Maine Health Access Foundation (MeHAF) discuss how their foundation provided unrestricted COVID-19 grants and open competitive grants and partnered with other philanthropies pooling together COVID-19 response funds.

Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation: Taking a Leadership Role and Building Trust RHPP Partner
January 20, 2021
Kim Barber Tieman, program director for health and human services for the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation, shares how her foundation set up a COVID-19 grant capture team and funded grant writers to help organizations navigate and apply for federal funding opportunities. In addition, her foundation worked with organizations and funded three mobile COVID testing units.

CDFIs ‘Make Dreams Come True’ by Creating Opportunity in Rural Spaces RHPP Partner
December 4, 2019
Explains how foundations like the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation and Healthcare Georgia Foundation are supporting Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) to offer flexible financing options for rural health projects.

Grace Anne Dorney Koppel
Bringing Change for Rural COPD Patients: Possibilities with the COPD National Action Plan RHPP Partner
August 9, 2017
Highlights the COPD Foundation and its work raising awareness of and driving change to address chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in rural areas.

Octavio Martinez
Innovating Mental Healthcare in Texas and Beyond: Q&A with Dr. Octavio Martinez RHPP Partner
June 14, 2017
Dr. Octavio Martinez discusses the work of the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health to improve the mental health care system in Texas.

FORHP Williamson
Rural Health Philanthropy Partnership: Leveraging Public-Private Funds to Improve Health RHPP Partner
May 31, 2017
The Federal Office of Rural Health Policy and philanthropy organizations worked together to create a unique funding opportunity, the Rural Health Care Coordination Network Partnership Program. Features two health care organizations and their philanthropy partners describing their coordinated efforts.

Karen McNeil-Miller
Colorado Health Foundation Makes Rural Communities a Priority: Q&A with Karen McNeil-Miller RHPP Partner
February 8, 2017
The Colorado Health Foundation is increasing its focus on the health of rural communities and the importance of listening to and collaborating with the communities in that endeavor.

Foundation’s Place-Based Initiative Focuses on Community Needs RHPP Partner
November 10, 2015
The Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust engages local residents and organizations to improve health outcomes through place-based grants targeted at financially disadvantaged counties.