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Resources Needed to Implement Rural Transportation Programs

An important element of implementing any rural transportation program is planning for the resources and costs needed to develop and maintain the program. Programs will need to allocate resources both initially for developing the program and for regular maintenance and sustainability. Considering sustainability issues, resources, and necessary future funding are important components of implementing any program. With an increasing demand for transit options in rural communities, especially with a growing older adult population, there is a need for programs to be able to stretch resources to serve more people.

The majority of federal transportation funding, provided through formula grants, is given to state and local transportation agencies. The Federal Highway Administration's Federal Lands Highway Program is one funding source for rural areas that is designated for federal or tribal lands, including national parks and monuments. The U.S. Department of Transportation also provides formula grants for rural areas, which include the 5311 Rural Formula program, Tribal program, Appalachian program, and the Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP). The Formula Grants program provides funding and implementation assistance for public transit programs in rural areas with less than 50,000 residents. For additional information about key considerations for sustainability of rural transportation programs and examples of federal agencies and programs that provide funding for transportation, see Module 6.

Determining the type of transportation program model, equipment, and vehicles needed for a program will depend on factors such as the type of program being implemented, the funding structure, the terrain and geographic region, the purpose of transportation (for example, transportation for medical visits), and the population served.

Several resources will account for the majority of expenses in a transportation program. These expenses may include:

  • Staff wages
  • Benefits for staff such as health insurance
  • Purchasing equipment
  • Maintenance for vehicles and equipment
  • Fuel
  • Technology

Costs for maintenance should be estimated upfront, if possible, including costs for replacing equipment and infrastructure upkeep. Depending on the resources available and costs, the program may provide services for a fee, on a sliding-fee scale, or at no cost.

Fuel and other energy costs should be considered when developing and implementing a transportation program. Energy resources needed to implement a program can impact the total operating budget. Transportation programs that operate regularly over long distances in remote regions of the country may encounter higher energy and fuel costs; however, these costs are an important consideration for any program. Changing policies and an increased focus on reducing gasoline emissions by moving to electric vehicles may change some of these considerations for transportation programs in the future. For example, national programs are working to make vehicles, such as trucks and buses, more efficient and less reliant on gasoline.

Resources to Learn More

Guidebook: Managing Operating Costs for Rural and Small Urban Public Transit Systems
Offers a framework for operating transit systems in rural and small urban areas, giving special attention to financial sustainability and methods to increase productivity.
Author(s): Edrington, S., Brooks, J., Cherrington, L., et al.
Organization(s): Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Date: 3/2014

Toolkit For Rural Community Coordinated Transportation Services
Outlines the process of coordinating transportation services in a rural community to improve service delivery, reduce costs, generate revenue, and enhance the quality of life.
Author(s): Burkhardt, J.
Organization(s): Transportation Research Board of the National Academies
Date: 2016

Transportation Planning for an Uncertain Energy Future: Creating a Resilient Transportation System for the Monadnock Region
Provides information on developing a transportation system that can withstand changes to energy costs and availability. Discusses land use planning, parking management, and access to alternative transportation options.
Organization(s): Southwest Region Planning Commission
Date: 6/2015