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Rural Health Information Hub

Evaluation Partners for Rural Transportation Programs

Partners are critical to the success of rural transportation programs. It is also important to collaborate with partners in the evaluation of rural transportation programs. Partners can contribute to evaluation planning, support data collection activities, and help interpret and justify evaluation findings. Examples of partners include individuals or agencies with a vested interest in the program and its outcomes, those served by the program, and those interested in using the evaluation findings, such as:

  • Service users and riders, including commuters and people seeking healthcare services
  • Service agencies, such as healthcare providers, social service agencies, nursing homes, and libraries
  • Advocacy groups, such as local Area Agencies on Aging and disability resource agencies
  • Local, regional, and state transportation professionals
  • Government agencies, including public works directors, planning directors, environmental planners, tribal agencies, and state departments of transportation
  • Transit service providers, such as airports, transit agencies, taxi companies, ridesharing organizations, and marine ports
  • Neighborhood organizations
  • Elected officials
  • Local businesses, including chambers of commerce, economic development agencies, and health systems and hospitals
  • Transportation interest groups, such as highway safety groups, pedestrian safety groups, and bicyclist groups
  • Environmental groups
  • Funders

Resources to Learn More

Context Sensitive Solutions and Design
Describes how the Context Sensitive Solutions process can be used to develop collaborative approaches to transportation projects, focusing on key partners.
Organization(s): Federal Highway Administration