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Rural Health Information Hub

U.S. Department of Education Rural Transportation Funding

The U.S. Department of Education (ED) is the federal body responsible for ensuring all students have equal access to education. For students with disabilities and students in rural areas, transportation can be a significant barrier to accessing education. ED funds some programs relevant to transportation programs, including:

  • Vocational Rehabilitation Grants – The Vocational Rehabilitation Grants program provides funding to states interested in supporting people with disabilities who need assistance entering the workforce or obtaining vocational training. Grantees can use funds for transportation services, including services for people who are otherwise unable to participate. This may include educating community members about how to use existing public transportation systems.
  • Education for Homeless Children and Youth – This program provides funding to the 50 states, District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico to support efforts to ensure regular school attendance among child and youth who are experiencing homelessness. States are required to issue competitive subgrants to local education agencies. Local education agencies must use funds to address barriers to school attendance, including transportation.