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Rural Health Information Hub

Implementation Challenges for Rural Transportation Programs

Rural communities may face unique challenges when implementing transportation programs. Common implementation challenges include:

  • Competing priorities
  • Increasing demand for reliable, efficient, and accessible transportation, particularly among older adults and people with mobility challenges
  • Institutional barriers, such as policies, regulations, and culture
  • Technological barriers
  • Lack of sustained coordination among partners, jurisdictions, and levels of government
  • Limited resources and funding

In remote areas of the country, where resources may be scarce, transportation programs cover large distances to provide adequate services. With an increased demand for transportation services and limited funding opportunities, it can be inherently difficult to serve some of these areas. Jurisdictional issues also present a challenge in rural areas. Transit programs with local or federal funding may be prohibited from crossing county or state boundaries. This can make it difficult for people who need to travel to a neighboring county or state to access retail, healthcare, or other services.

Resources to Learn More

Planning for Transportation in Rural Areas
A guide for transportation planners in rural areas describing the challenges and opportunities found in building a rural transportation system with special consideration to safety planning during development phase. Highlights steps necessary for analyzing current transportation systems and conditions.
Organization(s): Federal Highway Administration
Date: 7/2001