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Rural Health Information Hub

Marketing Transportation Programs

Marketing can be an effective way of building ridership and community buy-in for a rural transportation program. This is especially true for newer programs that do not have an existing user network in place. Often, community members may not be aware of transportation services or how to use the services. Information on schedules, eligibility, cost, hours, and other critical details should be widely disseminated so all potential users may use the service.

Most transportation programs will have partnerships with other community organizations. Coordination between community organizations is important for increasing engagement and conducting outreach to different populations.

When designing marketing materials and campaigns, program planners should ensure the message is reaching the intended audience. Marketing the program can be done through:

  • Websites (partnering organizations and community)
  • Social media
  • Local publications or newspapers (print and online)
  • Local radio
  • Printed signs, banners, and postcards
  • Blog posts
  • Community-based events (virtual and in-person)

The marketing method should be culturally competent and appropriate to the community. Another key element of marketing a program is tapping into community partnerships. Connecting with other programs and organizations to let their audiences know about your program's services can be an important way to gain valuable referrals.

Potential challenges that may arise when marketing a program include issues of awareness and perceptions of the existing service. There may be transportation services available in the community; however, the public perception may be that the service is intended only for a specific population. When marketing transportation programs, it is important to make sure the public understands who the program serves. Additionally, transportation programs need to build trust among riders who may be reluctant to use the service. The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center identified best practices for engaging older adults and people with disabilities in transportation planning.

Resources to Learn More

Engagement and Outreach for Transportation Programs
Describes best practices of grantees funded by the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center to develop innovations by increasing awareness, building trust, and engaging support for community transportation programs for older populations and people with disabilities.
Organization: National Aging and Disability Transportation Center

Marketing Transit Toolkit
Includes templates for developing marketing materials for transportation programs and provides a step-by-step guide on creating a rural transit marketing plan.
Organization(s): National Rural Transit Assistance Program

Website Builder
Allows users to build their own website with an easy-to-use starting guide and a website template specific for transportation programs.
Organization(s): National Rural Transit Assistance Program