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Rural Health Information Hub

Considerations for Older Adults

Older adults living in rural communities are at risk of experiencing barriers to transportation. They may drive less frequently, only in certain situations, or not at all. They may lack access to a personal vehicle and may need to rely on family members, caregivers, or others to give them a ride. They may live far from family and social contacts, healthcare providers, grocery shopping, community resources, and activities. In addition, rural communities may lack public transportation or other transportation such as rideshare services.

Transportation programs in rural areas that support older adults should prioritize the following:

  • Accessibility
  • Affordability
  • Reliability
  • Flexibility
  • Offering rides to activities beyond healthcare appointments

There are resources that can help older adults to identify transportation programs in their communities. The Eldercare Locator, administered by the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging, is a national referral resource that connects people to local transportation programs and services. Rides in Sight is a free searchable database on transportation programs for older adults and people with visual impairments.

For information on approaches for implementing rural transportation programs that address the needs of older adults, see Transportation Programs in our Rural Aging in Place Toolkit.

Resources to Learn More

Enhanced Mobility of Seniors & Individuals with Disabilities – Section 5310
An overview of the 49 U.S. Code 5310 formula funding program for states, local governments, and public transit operators in urban and rural areas who demonstrate a need to improve accessible transportation options by removing barriers and expanding mobility for individuals living with disabilities and older adults.
Organization(s): Federal Transit Administration
Date: 2022

Health and Transportation Resource Center
Offers resources and information to support communities in understanding the connection between transportation services and health, with an emphasis on older adults and people with disabilities.
Organization(s): National Center for Mobility Management

The Future of Rural Transportation and Mobility for Older Adults
Describes the transformation of mobility for older adults in rural communities through innovations in technology.
Author(s): Broderick, A.
Organization(s): Grantmakers in Aging; CITRIS and the Banatao Institute
Date: April 2018

National Center on Senior Transportation's Older Drive Safety & Transition for the Mature Driver
Describes steps that you can take to ensure your ongoing safety as a driver and considerations for mobility planning.
Organization(s): National Center on Senior Transportation

Safe Driving for Older Adults
Provides important considerations for older drivers, including physical changes that may impact driving, safe driving tips, and resources for more information.
Organization(s): National Institute on Aging