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Rural Health Information Hub

Considerations for Veterans

Veterans have increased health needs, including higher prevalence of diabetes, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) compared to non-veterans, and may need to travel to specific locations like VA hospitals to receive healthcare services. Some veterans living in rural areas must travel far distances and many hours to reach their nearest VA hospital or clinic.

Veterans living in rural areas may face several barriers to receiving care as they are more likely to be over the age of 65 and may face financial challenges that make travel costs for healthcare appointments burdensome. Longer distances to healthcare facilities in rural areas also means veterans may not have immediate access to all types of healthcare providers, including specialists.

There are several programs dedicated to veterans that focus on transportation. These include:

Mobility management supports the coordination of transportation services for different populations and has been used to help meet the health and transit needs of veterans. Mobility managers of the Veterans Transportation Service coordinate payments for transportation services to veterans, collaborate with other local organizations to fulfill veterans' transportation needs, and determine the most appropriate transportation option for veterans in their care.

Resources to Learn More

Community Tools to Improve Transportation Options for Veterans, Military Service Members, and Their Families
Provides guidance and tools to assess transportation needs of veterans, service members, and their families. Offers strategies to improve public transit, customized transportation, and volunteer services by building on the elements of transportation coordination and mobility management.
Author(s): Ellis, E., Menninger, H., Glauthier, R., et al.
Organization(s): National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Transit Cooperative Research Program
Date: 2014

Health Benefits: Veterans Transportation Program
Describes the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) transportation programs options offered to veterans who require assistance to access VA and non-VA healthcare: Veterans Transportation Service, Beneficiary Travel, and Highly Rural Transportation Grants.
Organization(s): U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs