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Rural Health Information Hub

Mobility on Demand Models for Rural Transportation

Mobility on Demand, or MOD, integrates and connects various pre-existing modes of transportation within a community. The goal of MOD is to help individuals make their trips more efficient or complete by making transportation available and accessible when needed and when requested by the rider. In this model, a private company, local partners, and local and state agencies work together to organize and provide transportation using pre-existing transportation infrastructure. An organization may serve as a central authority in scheduling and coordinating transportation for several programs and for individuals. Mobility on Demand service providers are well-equipped to match client needs with the most appropriate resources available. Service providers also help to ensure cost efficiency, safety, reliability, and any necessary regulatory compliance.

Mobility on Demand models use multiple transit modes to provide services, including fixed routes, demand-response, and volunteers. Typically, these services are implemented using smartphone technology or payment apps.


Microtransit is a form of MOD that provides flexible scheduling and routing based on individual needs. Services are typically provided within designated service areas and using multi-passenger vehicles. Microtransit complements fixed route models by connecting riders to buses, trains, or other public transit and by offering transportation to areas not served by fixed route models. Thus, microtransit commonly provides a first- and last-mile connection, ensuring riders can complete the first and final segment of a trip without relying on a personal vehicle. Riders use technology — typically, a mobile app — to request and pay for rides; however, some services may use phone- or web-based scheduling.

Mobility as a Service

Mobility as a Service (MaaS) integrates multiple transportation modes and services in a single platform, enabling an individual to access, book, and pay for very different mobility services from a single source as a subscription service. The goal of MaaS is to make mobility services more accessible, thus reducing reliance on personal vehicle ownership. At the local level, MaaS integrates the transportation services that are available within a given area. This may include, for example, public transportation, ridesharing, and bike share programs, among others. MaaS is similar to MOD — both integrate multiple transportation modes, leverage technology, and emphasize improved efficiency. MaaS differs from MOD because it focuses on aggregating different services, rather than establishing a service for a specific purpose, and uses a subscription model for accessing those services.

Examples of Mobility on Demand Programs

  • Michigan Transportation Connection uses the brokerage model to provide non-emergency medical transportation services to Michigan residents. The nonprofit uses existing programs, including United Way 2-1-1 call centers, public transit systems, and local human service agencies to organize transportation.
  • Mountain Empire Transit (METGo) is one of the two Virginia transit agencies that expanded their on-demand microtransit services. METGo increases accessibility to the residents in the Town of Wise and City of Norton by providing free curb-to-curb transportation service. The transit service closes the service gaps, where previous residents relied upon Medicaid-sponsored transportation. Residents can schedule a ride between convenient service hours and can experience as little as a 10-minute wait.
  • Pelivan Transit provides both fixed-route and demand-response services to residents of rural Oklahoma. Pelivan Transit formed two consortiums with 10 tribes in northeastern Oklahoma. The collaboration provides tribal transit services to eight counties. Pelivan Transit provides a Road-to-Work Transportation service to nearby employers and has started employment feeder routes to the Mid-America Industrial Park.
  • Ride Connection provides transportation services to residents of rural Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties in Oregon. The program serves primarily residents aged 60 and over and people with disabilities. Ride Connection provides information referrals, training on how to use public transit, door-to-door rides, and a community connector deviated-route service.

Considerations for Implementation

Mobility on Demand service providers typically ensure that transportation providers have proper licensing, safety inspections, and insurance. Private companies may have access to technologies that improve trips by maximizing efficiency. Mobility on Demand services are often easy to use, as they allow for a single point of contact in arranging transportation.

Microtransit leverages technology to support routing, scheduling, and dispatching. It is important for communities to understand technology requirements and staffing needs when implementing this model. Communities should also consider accessibility for riders who do not have smartphones. For example, programs can offer alternate options for payment, such as cash or pre-payment, and scheduling, such as call-in options.

Because Mobility on Demand models typically build upon the structures already in place within a community, these programs may take more time to establish in communities where there are not already public and/or private sector efforts.

Resources to Learn More

Mobility on Demand (MOD) Program
Describes mobility on demand, why it a promising model, and how the U.S. Department of Transportation is incorporating MOD strategies into its planning efforts.
Author(s): Sheehan, R. & Torng, G.W.
Organization(s): U.S. Department of Transportation, Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office

Public Microtransit Pilots in the State of North Carolina: Operational Characteristics, Costs, and Lessons Learned
Reports on the findings from pilot studies of public microtransit in rural and urban North Carolina. Covers planning and implementation considerations, challenges, and lessons learned.
Organization(s): North Carolina State University
Date: 1/2023

Transforming Public Transit with a Rural On-Demand Microtransit Project
Describes the replacement of fixed route transit system in Wilson, North Carolina by an on demand microtransit service. Outlines the different stages from development to implementation, and includes lessons learned.
Organization(s): North Carolina Department of Transportation
Date: 4/2023