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Rural Health Information Hub

Mobility Management for Rural Transportation

Mobility management programs are designed to help people learn how to use and connect to transit as well as to connect multiple transportation networks. Mobility management programs are designed with the goal of using customized, community-specific resources based on a community's needs.

The National Center for Mobility Management is dedicated to improving the efficiency of transportation systems and programs in the country, as well as building the transportation workforce. Funded through the Federal Transit Administration, the Center focuses on helping communities develop and build transportation strategies and programs that can improve the lives of all residents. The Center accomplishes these goals by providing training, technical assistance, online resources, and other types of support to communities.

Mobility managers have an increasingly integral role in the transportation workforce and in mobility management programs, specifically. Mobility managers help develop programs that improve the ability of people all over the country to travel using different transportation options. People in this role often help connect community services and programs to improve coordination of transportation, coordinate and promote policies, serve as liaisons between other health and human service programs, and build partnerships, among other tasks.

Examples of Mobility Management Programs

  • HealthTran provides transportation services to patients in rural Missouri who are ineligible for other transportation services like Medicaid non-emergency medical transportation or veterans' transportation assistance. HealthTran removes the burden of navigating transportation systems from the patient, to a knowledgeable mobility coordinator. HealthTran works with communities to enhance current transportation options and build transportation infrastructure. Find out more about this program in Rural Health Models and Innovations.
  • In addition to operating a volunteer driver program, the Center for Independent Living for Western Wisconsin, Inc.'s New Freedom Transportation Program operates a call center staffed with transportation specialists. Riders in the 18-county service area can request services or obtain referrals via the New Freedom Transportation One Call Center.

Considerations for Implementation

Mobility management focuses on providing information to riders and brokering trips to customers among available transportation providers in communities. Therefore, the success of a mobility management program depends upon the presence of transportation services in a community. When transportation services are available, mobility management allows for greater efficiency in using these resources, leading to a lower cost in the provision of services.

Program Clearinghouse Examples

Resources to Learn More

Mobility Management
An overview of mobility management including considerations for mobility managers, eligible funding opportunities, steps for getting started, and strategies using Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).
Organization(s): Federal Transit Administration
Date: 8/2018

Mobility Managers: Transportation Coordinators for Older Adults, People with Disabilities, Veterans, and Other Members of the Riding Public
Describes the role of a mobility manager and includes case studies demonstrating the services provided by mobility managers in rural communities.
Author(s): Birnie, D., McLary, J., Fox-Grage, W., & Lynott, J.
Organization(s): AARP Public Policy Institute
Date: 6/2019

National Center for Mobility Management
Provides information, training and technical assistance advocating transportation coordination and mobility management practices focused on partnerships with health-related, community, and social service organizations.