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Rural Health Information Hub

Education and Training of the Rural Healthcare Workforce – Funding & Opportunities

For additional funding options, please see RHIhub's Online Library: Funding & Opportunities

American Psychiatric Association Diversity Leadership Fellowship
A 2-year fellowship for minority psychiatry residents or those interested in minority and vulnerable populations. Activities are designed to prepare residents to teach, administer, and provide culturally competent, evidence based mental health and substance abuse services for minority groups and at-risk populations. Populations include American Indians, Native Alaskans, Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, Native Pacific Islanders, Black/African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, LGB, and religious minorities.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide and U.S. Territories
Application Deadline: Mar 17, 2025
Sponsor: American Psychiatric Association
SAMHSA Psychiatry Minority Fellowship
Fellowships for students who are interested in addressing minority psychiatric mental health issues and committed to a career providing culturally sensitive psychiatric services for minority underserved populations. African Americans, Alaska Natives, American Indians, Asian-Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders are encouraged to apply.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide and U.S. Territories
Application Deadline: Mar 17, 2025
Sponsors: American Psychiatric Association, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training (BHWET) Program for Paraprofessionals
Grants to develop and expand experiential training opportunities, such as field placements and internships, to increase the supply of students preparing to become peer support specialists and other behavioral health-related paraprofessionals. The program emphasizes relationships with community-based partners to increase access to quality behavioral health services across the lifespan in high need and high demand areas. Special focus is placed on demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the specific concerns for children, adolescents, and transitional-aged youth who are at risk for behavioral health disorders.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide and U.S. Territories
Application Deadline: Mar 18, 2025
Sponsors: Bureau of Health Workforce, Health Resources and Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Postdoctoral Training in General, Pediatric, and Public Health Dentistry
Grants to plan, develop, operate, or participate in, postdoctoral training programs in community-based organizations in the fields of general dentistry, pediatric dentistry, and dental public health. Programs should prepare postdoctoral trained dentists to improve access to and delivery of oral healthcare delivery to underserved, health disparity, and rural populations.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Application Deadline: Mar 18, 2025
Sponsors: Bureau of Health Workforce, Health Resources and Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Primary Care Training and Enhancement—Residency Training in Street Medicine (PCTE-RTSM)
Funding to enhance training in street medicine for residents enrolled in accredited primary care residency programs. Priority will be given to applicants that train residents in rural areas, including for tribes or tribal organizations in rural areas.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Application Deadline: Mar 20, 2025
Sponsors: Bureau of Health Workforce, Health Resources and Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Rural Residency Planning and Development Program
Grants to expand access to healthcare in rural areas by developing new sustainable rural residency programs, including rural track programs (RTPs). The program will provide start-up funding to create rural residency programs that are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME).
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Application Deadline: Apr 10, 2025
Sponsors: Bureau of Health Workforce, Federal Office of Rural Health Policy, Health Resources and Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Rural Communities Opioid Response Program - Pathways
Grants to create innovative new youth-focused, peer-driven behavioral healthcare support programs while also offering career pathway opportunities in rural communities.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide and U.S. Territories
Application Deadline: Apr 14, 2025
Sponsors: Federal Office of Rural Health Policy, Health Resources and Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Tribal Undergraduate to Graduate Research Training and Leadership Experiences (TURTLE) Program (UE5 and T32/T34)
Funding for tribal entities to support educational activities that complement and/or enhance the training of a workforce to meet the nation's biomedical, behavioral and clinical research needs.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide and U.S. Territories
Application Deadline: Jan 25, 2027
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health
Certified Men's Health Educator Training
Course that focuses on the unique needs and challenges of boys and men, specifically in rural communities. While the course is available for all who are interested, currently the training will be provided at no cost for a limited number of individuals who live or work in designated rural counties in Tennessee.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsors: Men's Health Network, Rural Health Association of Tennessee
Certified Professional by the American Heart Association - Telehealth (CPAHA) program
A certification program for healthcare professionals interested in demonstrating a commitment to telehealth.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsors: American Heart Association, The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust

Last Updated: 2/21/2025