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Rural Health Information Hub

Education and Training of the Rural Healthcare Workforce – Organizations

Advisory Committee on Interdisciplinary Community-Based Linkages (ACICBL)
Provides advice and recommendations on policy and program development to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services concerning the activities under Title VII, Part D of the Public Health Service Act. Topics addressed include Area Health Education Centers, geriatrics, rural health, allied health, podiatry, chiropractic, mental and behavioral health, graduate psychology, pain care, and quality improvement and patient safety.
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Advisory Committee on Training in Primary Care Medicine and Dentistry (ACTPCMD)
Advises and makes recommendations to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services concerning medicine and dentistry. Members are health professionals representing the primary care professions/disciplines of family medicine, general internal medicine, general pediatrics, preventive medicine, physician assistants, general dentistry, pediatric dentistry, public health dentistry, and dental hygiene.
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CDC's Office of Minority Health (OMH)
Addresses social determinants of health that impact the well-being of people in racial and ethnic communities. Works to reduce and eliminate health disparities and advance health equity.
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Council on Graduate Medical Education (COGME)
Provides an ongoing assessment of physician workforce trends, training issues, and financing policies. Advises and makes recommendations to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, and the House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce.
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Cross Cultural Health Care Program (CCHCP)
Serves as a bridge between communities and healthcare institutions to ensure full access to quality healthcare that is culturally and linguistically appropriate. Provides cultural competency and medical interpreter training.
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Institute for Diversity and Health Equity
Committed to expanding healthcare leadership opportunities for ethnically, culturally, and racially diverse individuals, and increasing the number of these individuals entering and advancing in the field. Offers the Certificate in Diversity Management in Health Care, which focuses on promoting a culturally competent workforce for those working with diverse populations.
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National Advisory Council on Nurse Education and Practice (NACNEP)
Advises the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Congress on policy issues related to the Title VIII programs administered by the HRSA Bureau of Health Workforce Division of Nursing. Includes nurse workforce supply, education, and delivery of nursing services.
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National Center for Cultural Competence (NCCC)
Devoted to increasing the capacity of health and mental health programs to design, implement, and evaluate culturally and linguistically competent service delivery systems. Provides tools, publications, and other resources online.
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National Center for Rural Health Professions (NCRHP)
Dedicated to meeting healthcare needs of rural Illinois residents, through projects involving multiple health professions. Emphasizes recruitment, retention, and healthcare delivery initiatives. Located on the campus of the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Rockford.
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National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD)
Promotes minority health and works to lead, coordinate, support, and assess the National Institutes of Health (NIH) efforts to reduce and eliminate health disparities. Conducts and supports basic, clinical, social, and behavioral research. Offers research infrastructure and training, and fosters emerging programs, information dissemination, and partnering with minority and other health disparity communities.
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Richard G. Lugar Center for Rural Health
Works to prepare and train primary care physicians for rural practice. Promotes rotations in Rural Health Clinics, community health centers, and Critical Access Hospitals. Oversees the Summer Hoosier Rural Preceptorship which immerses medical students in rural underserved communities in Indiana and Illinois.
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Rural Medical Training Collaborative (formerly the RTT Collaborative) (RMTC)
Cooperative of rural health professions education programs, including 1-2 Rural Training Track family medicine residency programs. Provides technical assistance to programs and supports student interest in rural training.
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Rural Telementoring Training Center (RTTC)
Provides training, technical assistance, and resources for rural and remote healthcare telementoring programs.
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Brings together partners in medical specialties and experts in all aspects of rural graduate medical education, to promote prospective or existing rural residency programs and help them assess their ability to qualify for a HRSA Rural Residency Planning and Development Program grant.
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Talem Health Rural Medical Education Collaborative
Provides certified continuing medical education/continuing education for physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. Initiatives are led by national experts and focus on a variety of relevant topics.
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Think Cultural Health
Provides information, resources, and educational opportunities for health professionals to learn culturally and linguistically appropriate services. Sponsored by the Office of Minority Health.
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Last Reviewed: 12/9/2024