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Rural Health Information Hub

Certified Men's Health Educator Training

Men's Health Network, Rural Health Association of Tennessee
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis

The Rural Health Association of Tennessee and Men's Health Network are offering a course that focuses on the unique needs and challenges of boys and men.

Learning objectives include:

  • Communicate with men and boys in rural communities in ways that resonate with them and will motivate them to actively engage with the healthcare system and take on strong role in their own and their loved ones' wellness and healthcare
  • Reimagine healthcare practices and other touch points in ways that will make men and boys feel comfortable and welcome
  • Design and conduct successful programs for men and boys and recruit participants
  • Recognize and address sociocultural considerations that are unique to the many subpopulations of boys and men
  • Help women and other trusted loved ones support and encourage the boys and men in their lives
  • Enhance boys' and men's understanding of the COVID pandemic and educate them about the importance of COVID testing, vaccinations, and vaccinations in general

The course is designed for healthcare professionals and individuals who are interested in improving the health of those living in their community.

Geographic coverage
Amount of funding

Currently, the training will be provided at no cost for a limited number of healthcare professionals and individuals interested in improving the health of those living in their community, and who live or work in designated rural counties in Tennessee.

The course fee for individuals working outside of rural Tennessee is $249.

Application process

A link to the online registration form is available on the program website.

Tagged as
Health workforce education and training · Healthcare needs and services · Infectious diseases · Men · Public health · Vaccination

Organizations (2)

For complete information about funding programs, including your application status, please contact funders directly. Summaries are provided for your convenience only. RHIhub does not take part in application processes or monitor application status.