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Rural Health Information Hub

Grant Funding for Telehealth Programs

Many rural programs rely on grant funding from federal agencies, state agencies, associations, and philanthropic organizations in order to sustain telehealth programs. The Rural Health Funding & Opportunities by Topic: Telehealth webpage has the most up-to-date information on funding options for rural communities.

Federal Agencies

Many rural programs rely on federal grant programs to implement and sustain telehealth programs. The Health Resources and Services Administration's site offers information about federal funding opportunities for telehealth.

One long-standing grant program available to rural providers is the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) Rural Health Care Program. This grant supports the cost of telecommunications and broadband services to enable rural providers to deliver healthcare.

State Agencies and Associations

State agencies and associations may also offer telehealth grant funding programs. The Telehealth Resource Centers provide additional information about state-specific resources for telehealth funding. For example, there are some state-specific foundations from which rural communities could submit applications for grants to fund telehealth programs.

Foundations and Nonprofit Organizations

Many foundations and nonprofit organizations provide funding or other resources to implement, expand, or sustain rural telehealth programs. Foundations may be interested in increasing access to care, improving health outcomes, or supporting innovative healthcare delivery models. Foundations and nonprofits funding rural telehealth programs or research include: