Using Project ECHO to Train Healthcare Workforce
Project ECHO is an evidence-based telehealth program based in New Mexico that offers critical training and education opportunities to rural providers across the United States. Project ECHO's network enables providers from university medical systems and specialty care institutions to share information with the rural healthcare workforce. During TeleECHO clinics, rural providers use videoconferencing technology to engage in case-based learning, consult with specialists, learn from fellow rural programs, and gain the necessary skills to meet the evolving needs of their communities.
The following projects involve Project ECHO to train the rural workforce:
- The Integrated Addictions and Psychiatry (IAP) TeleECHO Clinic, established by the University of New Mexico, has provided physicians with the hours of training needed to qualify for prescribing buprenorphine under the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act.
- The New Mexico Prison Peer Education Project (PEP) uses telehealth technology to provide monthly continuing education sessions to peer educators at nine New Mexico prisons. PEP training allows inmates to educate peers about the prevention of infectious disease and imparts valuable professional skills that prepare participants for the workforce after they are released.
- The School-based Consultations for Rural Pediatric Telehealth (SCRiPT) Network uses Project ECHO to provide training to staff at rural school-based health centers (SBHCs) in rural locations across the country. SBHC providers submit cases to the ECHO team, which includes a psychiatrist, psychologist, pediatrician, cardiologist, endocrinologist, and pulmonologist. During teleECHO clinic sessions with SBHC staff, ECHO experts review the case, provide guidance, and offer suggestions via video or teleconference.
- The University of Kansas Medical Center is using Project ECHO as part of an initiative to address obesity and behavioral health concerns among children living in rural Kansas. The ECHO team works with rural providers and SBHC staff to provide teleECHO clinics on behavioral disorders, developmental concerns, learning conditions, and pediatric obesity. The ECHO approach is unique in bringing together participants across primary care, education, community mental health centers, and other child-serving systems. ECHO telementoring sessions are helping to build the capacity of SBHC staff to triage cases and effectively manage the health of students and for specialist teams to understand the resources available to families.
Implementation Considerations
Project ECHO provides resources to support communities seeking to implement their own ECHO models. Rural communities may also benefit from reviewing successful Medicaid financing models and evaluation considerations.
Implementation considerations relevant to Project ECHO, including licensing and reimbursement, are discussed in Module 4: Implementation and Module 6: Funding & Sustainability.
Resources to Learn More
Using Project
ECHO and Patient
Navigation to Improve the Health and Wellness of Cancer Survivors in Rural Communities
Details Project ECHO telementoring and patient navigation practices used to enhance the skills of healthcare
providers and increase healthcare capacity when caring for cancer survivors in rural areas. Highlights the
achievements of Project ECHO and patient navigation collaborations.
Organization(s): Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)