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Rural Health Information Hub

Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center

  • Project Title: TeleEmergency Program and Center for Rural Emergency Services and Trauma (CREST)
  • Grant Period: 5/01/2012 – 4/31/2015
  • Program Representative Interviewed: Scott Rodi, Project Director
  • Location: Lebanon, NH
  • Program Overview: The TeleEmergency Program offers rural Critical Access Hospitals and community hospitals access to 24/7 live-video consultations with emergency medical clinicians. Rural hospitals in New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine can use the consultation service to ask for guidance, seek second opinions, and coordinate transfers to trauma centers. The TeleEmegency Program also offers training to hospital staff and emergency medical technicians, including providing feedback on mock code simulations. In addition, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center's helps to build the capacity of rural hospital staff through the Center for Rural Emergency Services and Trauma (CREST), which uses telehealth to conduct case reviews and outreach rounds on topics related to emergency and trauma care.

Models represented by this program: