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Rural Health Information Hub

Dissemination Audiences for Unintentional Injury Prevention Programs

Rural communities should plan to share program findings with multiple audiences. Sharing data and evaluation outcomes can help rural communities demonstrate the value of their programs and encourage additional partners and community members to get involved in prevention efforts.

Some examples of dissemination audiences for rural unintentional injury prevention programs include:

  • Community members, especially those who participated in evaluation efforts or who are the intended audience for prevention efforts
  • Community leaders, partners, or other organizations who have a vested interest in the outcomes of the prevention program
  • State and local injury prevention and control programs
  • Schools and day care facilities
  • First responders, such as fire departments and EMS
  • Healthcare providers, such as pediatricians, family physicians, and gerontologists
  • Local and state injury prevention coalitions
  • Local agencies focused on public health and safety
  • Faith-based organizations
  • Professional associations
  • Families who have been affected by unintentional injuries and fatalities
  • Funders and policymakers

For a general list of key audiences for disseminating information about rural health programs, see Methods of Dissemination in the Rural Community Health Toolkit.