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Rural Health Information Hub

Implementation Considerations for Preventing Injuries among Older Adults

Older adults in rural areas often live in older homes with accessibility challenges that pose barriers to aging in place. There are several grant programs aimed at helping older adults adapt their homes to make them more accessible and mitigate hazards. For example, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Older Adult Homes Modification Program funds nonprofit organizations, local agencies, and public housing authorities to help make modifications and repairs for older adults with low incomes. The U.S. Administration for Community Living's Eldercare Locator provides additional information about home improvement assistance.

Some injury prevention activities for older adults, such as home hazard assessment or smoke alarm detector installation, require entry of rural program staff into homes. Rural programs can consider partnering with trusted community leaders or figures, such as firefighters, to help establish trust with older adults and facilitate home visits. The Establishing a Community-Engaged Network to Refer Older Adults to Falls Prevention Programming guide notes that fire service personnel are effective at reaching older adults because they are viewed as compassionate and safety experts. The fall prevention models in Module 2 provide additional considerations for programs seeking to prevent fall injuries among older adults.

Resources to Learn More

Home Repair and Energy Efficiency Assistance
Lists programs to help homeowners with home improvements, repairs, and modifications, and weatherization and energy efficiency assistance.
Organization(s): USA.Gov