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Rural Health Information Hub

Motor Vehicle Injury and Traffic Crash Prevention Models

Motor vehicle and traffic crashes continue to be one of the leading causes of unintentional injury in rural communities, with rural residents at an increased risk of death compared to urban residents. In the U.S., close to 41% of all fatal crashes happen on rural roads, although less than 20% of people live in rural areas. Several factors may contribute to higher fatality rates in rural areas. These include higher speed limits on rural roads, decreased visibility related to a lack of lighting and road signs, and long distances emergency responders must travel to hospitals. Many of these deaths can be prevented through efforts that include adopting road safety models, properly using seat belts and child restraints, and implementing interventions to decrease distracted driving and driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs.

This toolkit describes five models and strategies to prevent traffic crashes and other motor vehicle and transportation-related injuries. These models focus on improving safety and preventing injury and death through: