Examples of Evaluation Measures
Rural HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention programs must identify measures to evaluate their activities. Examples of evaluation measures include:
Process Measures, which focus on measuring how services are provided. Could include the
- Condoms distributed
- HIV tests performed
- Clinic visits per year
- Clients connected to a peer navigator
- Attendees at a workshop or training
- Eligible clients referred to social services
- Primary care patients receiving routine HIV screening
- Partner notifications made by healthcare providers and/or HIV-positive clients
- Staff members trained to conduct pre- and post-test counseling
- Newly diagnosed people attending a clinic visit within three months of diagnosis
Outcome Measures, which focus on measuring the results or overall achievements of the
- Change in health behaviors over time (for example number of unprotected sexual encounters in the last month)
- Change in the number of people or clients who have achieved viral suppression
- Change in attitudes or awareness of HIV risk behaviors
- Change in policies or legislation related to HIV/AIDS (for example criminalization laws, syringe exchange laws)
Resources to Learn More
Offers a collection of reports and best practices for HIV/AIDS program.
Organization(s): TargetHIV, HRSA's Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program