Care Coordinators in ACOs
To ensure that ACOs provide coordinated care, healthcare providers and other staff must have specific skills, knowledge, and training. Some ACOs have established a role for care coordinators to help monitor high-risk patients. ACOs may also use risk stratification analysis or other tools to identify high-risk patients that require additional support and monitoring. To advance these skills among ACO staff, additional training may be necessary. For training information, see Care Coordinator Model Implementation Considerations.
Resources to Learn More
Care Coordination in
Accountable Care Organizations: Moving Beyond Structure and Incentives
Describes how ACOs can provide coordinated care by ensuring their staff and structures have the appropriate
tools, training, and organizational culture.
Citation: The American Journal of Accountable Care
Author(s): Press, M.J., Michelow, M.D., & MacPhail, L.H.
Date: 12/2012