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Rural Health Information Hub

Dissemination Methods for Rural Chronic Disease Management Programs

Rural chronic disease management programs may share information on program results, such as outcomes, successes, and lessons learned, as well as resources and materials developed to support program activities and services. Sharing this information with other organizations and the broader community, including other jurisdictions, can help others learn what works. Patients, caregivers, healthcare providers, pharmacists, and other program partners may want to learn more about experiences with implementation, facilitators and barriers, and lessons learned.

Program partners often play a key role in disseminating program information. Working with partners on dissemination can help to increase community buy-in and support for the program, which is important for sustainability. Sharing information with partners can also help to maintain and further build program relationships and increase credibility.

The best methods for sharing information about rural chronic disease management programs depend on the audience. Common methods of dissemination that rural programs use include:

  • National, state, and local disease-specific events, including national health observances such as:
  • Posters or oral presentations at conferences
  • Radio or television broadcasts
  • Press releases
  • Newspaper or print ads
  • News media
  • Articles in organizational newsletters or professional organization publications
  • Policy or research briefs
  • Print materials (flyers, information sheets, brochures)
  • Direct (mailed) marketing
  • Seminars and workshops, including webinars
  • Social media
  • Sponsored events like health fairs and farmers markets
  • Personal contact
  • Word of mouth
  • Online forums
  • Video or in-person demonstrations

For an overview of other common dissemination methods, see Methods of Dissemination in the Rural Community Health Toolkit.

Resources to Learn More

Approaches Taken by State and Local Health Departments to Market the National Diabetes Prevention Program to Populations at Risk and Health Care Providers
Describes the marketing strategies used by three states — California, Montana, and New Mexico — promoting CDC's National Diabetes Prevention Program to populations at risk for diabetes by demonstrating the program's effectiveness in preventing or delaying the onset of type 2 diabetes.
Organization(s): National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease and Prevention
Date: 9/2016

Talking Quality: Reporting to Consumers on Health Care Quality
Provides a list of resources offering guidance to assist healthcare organizations in producing and disseminating reports targeted to consumers about the quality of healthcare delivered by their programs.
Organization(s): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality