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Rural Health Information Hub

Dissemination Audiences for Rural Chronic Disease Management Programs

When implementing a rural chronic disease management program, it is important to share program information and resources with different audiences. These audiences may be internal or external to the organization implementing the program.

Internal Audiences

Organization leadership, staff, healthcare providers, and other employees should be informed that the chronic disease management program is available and how it is being implemented within the organization. Sharing information with internal audiences is important for conveying the importance of their contributions to the program and for ensuring ongoing collaboration.

Examples of internal audiences for disseminating information include:

  • Organizational leadership and staff
  • Program staff
  • Other healthcare providers within the organization

External Audiences

External audiences may include program partners, funders, participants, and patients. These audiences may be interested in program benefits, services, and outcomes. Sharing information with these external audiences can ensure broad awareness of the program, such as benefits of the program and ways patients, family members, and others in the community can access services.

Examples of external audiences for disseminating information on rural chronic disease management programs include:

  • Community members and the general public
  • Patients' parents, guardians, other family members, and friends
  • Partner organizations
  • Funders of chronic disease programs
  • Healthcare providers and referring agencies
  • State and local health departments
  • Community pharmacists
  • Health insurance providers
  • Local, state, and federal policymakers
  • Local councils on aging
  • Local schools, including superintendents and staff (principals, nurses, teachers, counselors, coaches)
  • Faith-based organizations
  • Researchers and universities
  • Other local and regional organizations

For a general list of key audiences for dissemination, see Audiences and Communication Strategies in the Rural Community Health Toolkit.