Grant Funding for Rural Chronic Disease Management Programs
Rural chronic disease management programs are supported by a variety of public and private sources of funding or more time-limited grants and contracts. Potential funders for rural communities include entities at the national, regional, and state level. This may include government agencies, foundations, associations, and organizations that offer resources and funding for chronic disease management programs. Awareness of available funding opportunities is critical for successful sustainability planning.
To review potential funders, see Funders of Rural Programs in the Rural Community Health Toolkit. In addition, rural programs can search lists of chronic disease management funding opportunities.
Examples of Federal Agencies that Support Rural Chronic Disease Management Programs
- Multiple grant programs of the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP) within the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) provide funding for rural programs focused on chronic disease management. For example, many grantees of the Delta States Rural Development Grant Program and the Rural Health Care Services Outreach Grant Program are addressing risk factors of and treatment for chronic diseases.
- The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases within the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is a funder of diabetes research.
- The Indian Health Service (IHS) funds Tribal and Urban Indian health programs to support diabetes prevention and management programs among American Indian and Alaska Native populations through the Special Diabetes Program for Indians.
- Rural programs often rely on federal grant programs to implement and sustain chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) programs. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's COPD Learn More Breathe Better® Community Subcontractor Program offers funding to organizations across the U.S. to improve COPD program efforts in a variety of settings.
- The National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides funding to state and local health departments, community organizations, and foundations to implement chronic disease programs.
- The Administration for Community Living (ACL) and its Administration on Aging (AoA) provide funding to local health departments, rural hospitals and clinics, and other organizations for chronic disease self-management education programs. AoA funds the National CDSME Resource Center for Professionals which works with partners to expand the reach of CDSME programs across the country and to strengthen program content.
National Associations that Support Rural Chronic Disease Management Programs
- The American Diabetes Association funds research programs, community-based programs, and interventions focused on specific topic areas, such as cardiovascular disease comorbidities.
- The National Recreation and Park Association funds chronic disease management programs that focus on promoting physical activity.
- The National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD) is a professional association made up of the 59 State and Territorial Health Department Chronic Disease Directors and staff working to improve health by reducing the impact of chronic disease, providing education, advocacy, and program support across the country.
- The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) assists state and territorial health officials with addressing many chronic diseases including heart disease, obesity, and dementia by providing technical assistance and support to improve community health outcomes.
Examples of State Agencies that Support Rural Chronic Disease Programs
State agencies, including departments of health and public health, have funded rural chronic disease management programs. Rural communities may explore agencies at the local, county, regional, and state level for available opportunities, such as grant programs focused on chronic disease management or disparities. Examples of state agencies that have funded rural chronic disease programs include:
- The Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment's Health Disparities and Community Grant Program
- The Minnesota Department of Health's Eliminating Health Disparities Initiative
- The South Dakota Department of Health's Diabetes Program
- The Tennessee Department of Health's Project Diabetes
Examples of Foundations that Support Rural Chronic Disease Management Programs
Many foundations and nonprofit organizations provide funding or other resources to implement, expand, or sustain rural chronic disease management programs. Foundations may have a variety of interests ranging from improving access to care in underserved areas, to improving health outcomes among specific populations, to supporting innovative healthcare delivery models.
Examples of foundations funding rural chronic disease programs or research include:
- The Foundation for the Mid South helps address diabetes in rural Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi.
- The Elevance Health Foundation supports diverse community health programs, such as diabetes self-management programs in rural Kentucky.
- The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust funds programs focused on improving outcomes for people with type 1 diabetes and delaying the progression of type 2 diabetes, as well as programs that improve access to quality healthcare in rural communities.
- The COPD Foundation focuses on improving the quality of life for people living with COPD as well as preventing COPD and other lung diseases.
- The CHEST Foundation funds researchers and communities studying lung health and ways to improve care of people with lung disease.
- The Dorney-Koppel Foundation has helped provide funding for pulmonary rehabilitation programs in different parts of the country to help educate people living with COPD about how to manage the disease.
- The Hearst Foundations fund regional hospitals, medical centers, and other medical and research organizations working to improve access and quality care for people with healthcare needs.
- The Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust focuses on providing funding in North Carolina for programs that target improving health outcomes and quality of life.
- The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is working to advance health equity and improve quality of life in rural communities for residents and funds many different types of initiatives.