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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Population health

Rural Youth Engagement Toolkit
Toolkit provides information and strategies for engaging rural youth to address and prevent youth substance misuse in rural communities. Highlights challenges and protective factors for rural youth, details strategies for engagement, and makes policy recommendations.
Date: 05/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America
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Improving Access to Risk Appropriate Care and Maternal Health Outcomes through Provider Engagement
A podcast episode that discusses maternal mortality rates in the United States and strategies to improve access to and quality of maternal healthcare. Includes examples of how to engage providers in efforts to improve maternal healthcare equity in underserved and rural communities.
Author(s): Robert Johnson, Eugene C. Toy, Lily Lou
Date: 05/2023
Type: Audio
Sponsoring organization: Association of State and Territorial Health Officials
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Navigating the Ethical and Methodological Dimensions of a Farm Safety Photovoice Project
Discusses the ethical considerations of the photovoice method of participatory research with a close look at vulnerable populations, privacy considerations, power dynamics in research, and agriculture-specific concerns. Describes an agricultural health and safety photovoice project and how researchers handled these ethical concerns as the project unfolded.
Author(s): Florence A. Becot, Shoshanah M. Inwood, Elizabeth A. Buchanan
Citation: Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 20, 249-263
Date: 05/2023
Type: Document
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Healthcare Georgia Foundation's Journey Toward Equity: Creating a Sustainable Model to Improve Health Outcomes, Economic Access and Opportunity in Rural Communities
Primer for the Two Georgias Initiative, a program dedicated to health equity in rural Georgia. Provides stories and profiles of participants, highlights efforts and successes of coalitions supported by the Initiative in 11 Georgia counties, and discusses the state of rural health in Georgia. Also discusses program development, monitoring, and sustainability.
Date: 05/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Georgia Health Initiative
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Building Local Level Partnerships for Rural Emergency Preparedness
Webinar recording, part 1 of a 3-part series, discusses the role of collaboration and partnerships in rural emergency preparedness. Features presentations from representatives of NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis, the Region 5 Big Horn Basin Healthcare Coalition, the Southern Stone County Fire Protection District, and the Pottsboro Area Library.
Additional links: Audio Recording, Webinar Slides
Date: 05/2023
Type: Video/Multimedia
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Pain in the Nation: The Epidemics of Alcohol, Drug, and Suicide Deaths - Special Feature: Youth Mental Health and Well-Being
Presents the rates of drug, alcohol, and suicide deaths in the U.S. in 2021 and from 1999 to 2021. Discusses the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on deaths of despair and the state of the ongoing opioid crisis. Includes a special feature focusing on youth mental health and well being. Highlights data on rural and urban communities.
Date: 05/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Trust for America's Health
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The Impacts of Extreme Weather Events on People with Disabilities
Reports on the impact of extreme weather on people with disabilities in the areas of regulations, healthcare, housing, employment, education, and emergency management. Discusses concerns and recommendations for both rural and tribal residents throughout.
Date: 05/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Council on Disability
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American Indians and Alaska Natives and the American Community Survey
Webinar recording presents an overview of the American Community Survey (ACS) data collection process for American Indian and Alaska Native communities. Discusses how to access data and provides resources for users.
Additional links: Webinar Slides, Webinar Transcript
Date: 05/2023
Type: Video/Multimedia
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Census Bureau
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A Strategy to Tackle Public Health Misinformation
Blog post discussing how COVID-19 vaccine misinformation impacted vaccine uptake in rural Livingston County, Illinois. Describes how the county health department worked to address vaccine hesitancy. Highlights the theory of planned behavior and its potential applications for hospitals and health systems.
Date: 05/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: American Hospital Association
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Building Capacity with American Indians and Alaska Natives to Handle Hazardous Materials and Respond to Emergencies
Report details the NIEHS Worker Training Program initiative to train American Indian and Alaska Native workers and communities to handle hazardous materials and public emergencies. Highlights the courses offered, such as chemical emergency response, asbestos awareness, and infectious disease awareness, among others. Discusses the need for training in AI/AN communities and identifies the tribal nations that have received the training.
Date: 05/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
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