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Rural Health Information Hub

Chart Gallery: Population health

10 or More Healthcare Visits in the Past 12 Months for Metro and Nonmetro Counties, 2018

Bar chart showing the percentage of the population that had 10 or more doctor, emergency department, and home visits in the past year in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan counties.

Adults Reporting 4 or More Chronic Conditions in Metro and Nonmetro Counties, 2016

Bar chart showing the percentage of adults reporting 4 or more chronic conditions in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan counties.

American Indian/Alaska Native Respondent-Assessed Fair-Poor Health Status, 2019

Bar chart showing the percentage of the American Indian/Alaska Native population and total population reporting fair or poor health status.

Fair or Poor Health Status in Metro and Nonmetro Counties, 2019

Bar chart showing the percentage of the population reporting fair or poor health status in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan counties.

Leisure-Time Physical Inactivity for Metro and Nonmetro Counties, 2004-2021

Line chart showing the percentage of the population that is physically inactive during leisure time for metropolitan and nonmetropolitan counties from 2004 through 2021.
State versions available

Leisure-Time Physical Inactivity, 2021

Map showing county-level data on the percentage of the population that is physically inactive during leisure time.
State versions available