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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Community Health Toolkit

Welcome to the Rural Community Health Toolkit. This toolkit provides rural communities with the information, resources, and materials they need to develop a community health program in a rural community.

Each of the toolkit's six modules contains information that communities can apply to develop a rural health program, regardless of the specific health topic the program addresses. The toolkit also links to issue-specific toolkits for more in-depth information.

Module 1: Creating a Rural Community Health Program: Where to Begin
Learn the first steps to developing an evidence-based rural community health program.

Module 2: Reviewing the Evidence Base
Learn how to develop your program based on an evidence-based model.

Module 3: Implementing Your Program
Find useful tips and guidelines for implementing your program.

Module 4: Evaluating Rural Programs
Learn how to assess program effectiveness and build the evidence base for what works in rural communities.

Module 5: Planning for Funding & Sustainability
Learn how to plan for the sustainability of your rural community health program.

Module 6: Disseminating Program Results
Learn how to communicate your program's results to project partners, funders, and the broader rural health community.