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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Population health

Implementing the ACHIEVE Model to Prevent and Reduce Chronic Disease in Rural Klickitat County, Washington
Describes efforts by a local health department to implement the Action Communities for Health, Innovation, and Environmental Change (ACHIEVE) model. Specific objectives included completing an assessment, developing an action plan, establishing community gardens, creating biking and walking trails, and promoting worksite wellness.
Author(s): Laura Horne, Katie Miller, Sandra Silva, Lori Anderson
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 10
Date: 04/2013
Type: Document
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Integrating Routine HIV Screening into a Primary Care Setting in Rural North Carolina
Summarizes the results of a survey taken by rural North Carolina African American residents who were offered a rapid HIV screening test in a primary healthcare setting. Includes sample survey questions and data on reasons for declining screening test.
Author(s): James L. Harmon, Michelle Collins-Ogle, John A. Bartlett, Julie Thompson, Julie Barroso
Citation: Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 25(1), 70-82
Date: 04/2013
Type: Document
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Timeliness of Abnormal Screening and Diagnostic Mammography Follow-up at Facilities Serving Vulnerable Women
Examines differences in the timeliness of follow-up after an abnormal mammography for woman in rural areas, with limited education or income, and racial/ethnic minorities and how it pertains to health risks. Addresses whether female populations in rural settings are at risk for loss to follow-up after abnormal diagnostic mammography.
Author(s): L. Elizabeth Goldman, Rod Walker, Rebecca Hubbard, Karla Kerlikowske
Citation: Medical Care, 51(4), 307-314
Date: 04/2013
Type: Document
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Health Ownership in American Indigenous Communities
Examines the efficacy of the Indian Health Service (IHS) and the relative few tribal healthcare systems respectively in their sociopolitical contexts, to determine their utility among the financial constraints of IHS.
Author(s): Matthew Nelson
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 13(2), 2302
Date: 04/2013
Type: Document
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Place of Residence and Primary Treatment of Prostate Cancer: Examining Trends in Rural and Nonrural Areas in Wisconsin
Examines if disparities exist between rural and urban residents receiving prostate cancer treatment. Includes statistics for treatment types by age at diagnosis, race/ethnicity, comorbidities, insurance, and rurality.
Author(s): Jeremy P. Cetnar, John M. Hampton, Amy A. Williamson, et al.
Citation: Urology, 81(3), 540-546
Date: 03/2013
Type: Document
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Rural-Urban Disparities in Health Status among US Cancer Survivors
Analyzes the self-reported health status of U.S. cancer survivors for disparities by rural versus urban residence. Includes rural and urban data on demographics, overall health, psychological distress, and non-cancer co-morbidities.
Author(s): Kathryn E. Weaver, Ann M. Geiger, Lingyi Lu, L. Douglas Case
Citation: Cancer, 119(5), 1050-1057
Date: 03/2013
Type: Document
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The Community-Based Healthy-Lifestyle Intervention for Rural Preschools (CHIRP) Study: Design and Methods
Explores the design and methods for Community-based Healthy-lifestyle Interventions for Rural Preschools (CHIRP), a study in rural Florida. CHIRP assesses the effects of a behavioral family weight management intervention for overweight young children and their parents. Table 2 lists the CHIRP study schedule of behavioral family intervention session topics.
Author(s): David M. Janicke, Crystal S. Lim, Anne E. Mathews, et al.
Citation: Contemporary Clinical Trials, 34(2), 187-195
Date: 03/2013
Type: Document
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Adapting School-Based Substance Use Prevention Curriculum Through Cultural Grounding: A Review and Exemplar of Adaptation Processes for Rural Schools
Describes the process that program designers used to adapt the urban evidence-based keepin' it REAL substance use prevention curriculum for use in rural schools in Pennsylvania and Ohio.
Author(s): Margaret Colby, Michael L. Hecht, Michelle Miller-Day, et al.
Citation: American Journal of Community Psychology, 51(1-2), 190-205
Date: 03/2013
Type: Document
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Dental Sealant Utilization Among Rural and Urban Children
Examines the proportion of rural children who have received dental sealants applied to the surface of their teeth to prevent or delay the development of dental decay.
Additional links: Fact Sheet
Author(s): Amy Brock Martin, Alexis Gallagher, Janice C. Probst
Date: 03/2013
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural and Minority Health Research Center (formerly the South Carolina Rural Health Research Center)
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Spatial Disparities in the Distribution of Parks and Green Spaces in the USA
Examines access to parks and green spaces by income, rurality, and race/ethnicity. Table 1 provides data on parks, green space, and several sociodemographic factors with a rural and urban breakdown.
Author(s): Ming Wen, Xingyou Zhang, Carmen D. Harris, James B. Holt, Janet B. Croft
Citation: Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 45(Suppl 1), 18-27
Date: 02/2013
Type: Document
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