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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Population health

Perspectives on Healthy Eating Among Appalachian Residents
Reports on a study based on a focus group made up of rural Appalachian Kentuckians, discussing perceptions of healthy eating, barriers to maintaining a healthy diet, and recommendations for making improvements within their communities. Results are distributed by participant demographics, such as age, race, and annual income, among others.
Author(s): Nancy E. Schoenberg, Britteny M. Howell, Mark Swanson, Christopher Grosh, Shoshana Bardach
Citation: Journal of Rural Health, 29(s1), 25-34
Date: 08/2013
Type: Document
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Cost-Effectiveness of the Strong African American Families - Teen Program: 1-Year Follow-Up
A study to determine the cost-effectiveness of the Strong African American Families – Teen Program (SAAF-T) in the prevention of alcohol use and binge drinking by rural African American youth.
Author(s): Justin B. Ingels, Phaedra S. Corso, Steve M. Kogan, Gene H. Brody
Citation: Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 133(2), 556-561
Date: 08/2013
Type: Document
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Childhood Poverty and Late Adolescents' Blood Pressure Reactivity to and Recovery from an Acute Stressor: The Mediating Role of Family Conflict
Reports findings from a study of rural adolescents examining the impact of childhood poverty and family conflict on blood pressure recovery after a stress. Discusses the potential impact of childhood deprivation on health.
Author(s): Gary W. Evans, Deinera Exner-Cortens, Pilyoung Kim, Daniel Bartholomew
Citation: Psychosomatic Medicine, 75(7), 691-700
Date: 08/2013
Type: Document
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Traditional Living and Cultural Ways as Protective Factors Against Suicide: Perceptions of Alaska Native University Students
Examines the experiences of traditional Alaska Native ways. Covers subsistence activities that may prevent suicide and strengthen indigenous populations.
Author(s): Christopher R. DeCou, Monica C. Skewes, Ellen D. S. López
Citation: International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 72(1)
Date: 08/2013
Type: Document
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Rural-Urban Disparities in Quality of Life among Patients with COPD
Compares the health status of rural and urban patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and identifies the factors associated with differences in two different locations.
Author(s): Bradford E. Jackson, David B. Coultas, Sumihiro Suzuki, Karan P. Singh, Sejong Bae
Citation: Journal of Rural Health, 29(1), 62-69
Date: 08/2013
Type: Document
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Redesigning Health Professions Education and Practice to Prepare the Interprofessional Team to Care for Populations
12th Annual Report to the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services and the Congress of the United States. Discusses the need to educate healthcare professionals to care for diverse needs including culture, language, economic status, cultural competency, and health disparities. Discusses the importance of telehealth and telemedicine in population health in rural areas and for those with unstable health conditions that require close monitoring by a health professional.
Date: 08/2013
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Advisory Committee on Interdisciplinary Community-Based Linkages
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Housing in the Border Colonias
Details the social, economic, and housing characteristics of the border colonias region. Describes the development of the dominant housing provision along the U.S.-Mexico border and includes information on housing quality.
Date: 08/2013
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Housing Assistance Council
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Rates of Black Lung Disease in Relationship to Black Lung Treatment Centers
Investigates the rates of black lung disease among active miners in relationship to the location of Black Lung Clinics.
Additional links: Policy Brief
Author(s): Michael Hendryx, Cynthia Persily, Jamison Conley, Evan Fedorko
Date: 08/2013
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: West Virginia Rural Health Research Center
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Health Care Providers' Perspectives on Low HPV Vaccine Uptake and Adherence in Appalachian Kentucky
Examines healthcare providers' perceived barriers and motivations for women ages 18-26 in Appalachian Kentucky to receive the HPV vaccine. Includes suggested strategies from healthcare providers for improving vaccination rates and participant characteristics.
Author(s): Katharine J. Head, Robin C. Vanderpool, Laurel A. Mills
Citation: Public Health Nursing, 30(4), 351-360
Date: 07/2013
Type: Document
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Promoting Heart Health in Rural Women
Compares two strategies, Stage Matched Nursing and Community Intervention (SMN+CI) and Community Intervention (CI), to address three cardiovascular behavioral risk factors among rural women: diet, physical activity, and/or smoking. Includes demographic information and pre- and post-intervention physiological measures by behavioral strategy type.
Author(s): Pamela Stewart Fahs, Margaret Pribulick, Ishan Canty Williams, et al.
Citation: Journal of Rural Health, 29(3), 248-257
Date: 06/2013
Type: Document
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