Access, Health, and Wealth: The Impact of the National Health Service Corps in Rural America, 1970-2000
Examines 30 years of the National Health Service Corps' (NHSC) operation and its impact on rural America. Provides a detailed breakdown of healthcare professional providers who participated in the program, and includes information on mortality rates and self-reported health status for people living in rural Health Professional Shortage Area counties that were staffed with NHSC physicians. Also provides data on the economic impact for communities with NHSC personnel for selected states.
George Fryer, Jessica McCann, Martey Dodoo, et al.
Robert Graham Center
Tagged as
· Financial aid for health career education
· Health workforce supply and demand
· Loans, loan repayment, and loan forgiveness for health careers
· Mortality
· Policy
· Population health
· Primary care
· Recruitment and retention of health professionals
· Scholarships for health careers
· State-by-state data
· Statistics and data
· State-by-state