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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Population health

Decolonizing Knowledge Development in Health Research Cultural Safety Through the Lens of Hawaiian Homestead Residents
Highlights a study on the concept of cultural safety as a means of conducting effective health research within Native Hawaiian communities. Focuses on practices that facilitate cross-cultural respect and understanding.
Author(s): Lana Sue I. Ka'opua, Suresh Tamang, Adrienne Dillard, B. Puni Kekauoha
Citation: Journal of Indigenous Social Development, 5(2), 20-42
Date: 2017
Type: Document
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Arkansas Cancer Facts & Figures 2017
Provides detailed cancer data for Arkansas, including cancer incidence and mortality rates by county and type of cancer. Highlights disparities by race (Black/White), gender, and rural/urban differences.
Date: 2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Arkansas Department of Health
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An Innovative Community-Based Model for Improving Preventive Care in Rural Counties
Describes the implementation and evaluation of a rural community-based patient outreach program to deliver preventive care through the use of a wellness coordinator, community health organizations, and primary care practices in rural Oklahoma.
Author(s): Zsolt J. Nagykaldi, Dewey Scheid, Daniel Zhao, Bhawani Mishra, Tracy Greever-Rice
Citation: Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 30(5), 583-591
Date: 2017
Type: Document
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Rural Disparities in Access to Obstetric Services and Birth Outcomes the United States, 1996-2013
Poster presentation from the 2017 American Public Health Association annual meeting comparing the distribution trends of the obstetric facilities and birth outcomes in rural and urban counties to determine the association between rural disadvantage in birth outcomes with available obstetric services.
Author(s): Songyuan Deng, Janice C. Probst
Date: 2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural and Minority Health Research Center (formerly the South Carolina Rural Health Research Center)
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Oregon Rural And Frontier Health Facility Listening Tour, 2017
Reports on common issues, themes, and challenges found on the Oregon Office of Rural Health's 2017 rural and frontier health facility listening tour. Includes a focus on the behavioral health system and provides county-level statistics on key indicators, such as mortality, healthcare utilization, unemployment, substance abuse, and more.
Date: 2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Oregon Office of Rural Health
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Social Determinants of Health in the United States: Addressing Major Health Inequality Trends for the Nation, 1935-2016
Results of a study analyzing key health inequality trends in areas including maternal and child health, HIV/AIDS, mental and behavioral health, chronic disease prevention, and health promotion. Examines social determinants and features statistics with breakdowns by race/ethnicity, education, mortality rates, poverty, unemployment, housing, rural or urban location, and geographic area.
Author(s): Gopal K. Singh, Gem P. Daus, Michelle Allender, Christine T. Ramey, Elijah K. Martin, et al.
Citation: International Journal of MCH and AIDS, 6(2), 139-164
Date: 2017
Type: Document
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Infectious Disease Hospitalizations among American Indian/Alaska Native and Non–American Indian/Alaska Native Persons in Alaska, 2010-2011
Analyzes a state database to determine infectious disease hospitalization rates among American Indian/Alaskan Native (AI/AN) Alaskan residents. Compares statistics for AI/AN and non-AI/AN persons by year, sex, and age, and covers other hospitalization statistics.
Author(s): Prabhu P. Gounder, Robert C. Holman, Sara M. Seeman, et al.
Citation: Public Health Reports, 132(1), 65-75
Date: 2017
Type: Document
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The Effect of a Weight Gain Prevention Intervention on Moderate-Vigorous Physical Activity among Black Women: The Shape Program
Examines if an effective weight gain prevention intervention, called the Shape Program, increased moderate to vigorous physical activity among overweight or obese African American women in rural North Carolina. Includes participant characteristics for the initial and 12 month assessment by age, education, poverty level, marital status, number of children in the household, employment status, and more.
Author(s): Mary L. Greaney, Sandy Askew, Sherrie F. Wallington, et al.
Citation: International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 14, 139
Date: 2017
Type: Document
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Access to Healthful Foods In Rural Missouri
Provides a snapshot of the percent of people per county who do not have access to healthy food in Missouri in 2017. Includes information on farmers markets and small farms who sell fresh produce in each county.
Date: 2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Missouri Office of Rural Health and Primary Care
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Hydration and Cooling Practices Among Farmworkers in Oregon and Washington
Details a study on farmworkers' knowledge and practice of hydration and cooling measures in Oregon and Washington. Breaks down data by crops grown, main job tasks, and modes of hydration and cooling, among others factors.
Author(s): Jeffrey W. Bethel, June T. Spector, Jennifer Krenz
Citation: Journal of Agromedicine, 22(3), 222-228
Date: 2017
Type: Document
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