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Rural Health Information Hub

Washington Funding & Opportunities

For information about funding programs that are available nationwide, please browse by type, by topic, or by sponsor.

Wildhorse Foundation Grants
Grants to tribes and national, regional, or local Native American organizations that serve individuals in the Cayuse, Umatilla, and Walla Walla tribes of Oregon and Washington. Funds may be used to support programs in the areas of public health, public safety, environmental protection, and gambling addiction, among others.
Geographic coverage: Parts of Washington and all of Oregon, as well as any national or regional Indian organization
Application Deadline: Apr 1, 2025
Sponsor: Wildhorse Foundation
Native American Affairs: Emergency Drought Relief for Tribes
Funding for emergency drought relief for Tribes.
Geographic coverage: Federally recognized Tribes in the 17 Western states identified in the Reclamation Act of June 17, 1902
Application Deadline: Apr 7, 2025
Sponsor: U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation
Washington J-1 Visa Waiver Program
Offers a J-1 Visa waiver to foreign physicians who commit to serving for 3 years in an approved area of Washington, allowing them to remain in the United States.
Geographic coverage: Washington
Application Deadline: Sep 1, 2025
Sponsors: Washington State Department of Health, Washington State Office of Rural Health
Community Facility Loans
Loans to help develop and improve essential community facilities in the rural West.
Geographic coverage: Available in 13 western states and the Pacific Islands. See program website for details.
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: Rural Community Assistance Corporation
Northwest Farm Credit Services Rural Community Grant Program
Grants for nonprofit organizations working to improve economic and social well-being of rural communities in Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington.
Geographic coverage: Rural communities in Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: Northwest Farm Credit Services
RCAC Infrastructure Loans
Loans to finance water and waste facility projects in the rural West, including the early funds small rural communities need to determine project feasibility and to pay pre-development costs prior to receiving state and federal funding.
Geographic coverage: Available in 13 western states and the Pacific Islands. See program website for details.
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: Rural Community Assistance Corporation
Washington Community Economic Revitalization Board Prospective Development Program
Financing in the form of grants and loans for local governments and sovereign nations in rural areas of Washington. Funding may be used for public infrastructure that supports private business growth and expansion.
Geographic coverage: Washington
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: Washington State Department of Commerce
Washington Emergency Broadband Loan Program
Loans to repair, replace, rehabilitate, improve, and/or reconstruct critical broadband infrastructure in Washington that was damaged by a natural disaster or unforeseen events.
Geographic coverage: Washington
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: Washington State Department of Commerce
Western Professional Student Exchange Program
Program that allows students in specific western states and territories to enroll in selected out-of-state professional healthcare programs and pay reduced tuition.
Geographic coverage: 15 Western states, as well as U.S. Pacific Territories and Freely Associated States
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
Wildhorse Foundation Rapid Response Grants
Grants to tribes and national, regional, or local Native American organizations that serve individuals in the Cayuse, Umatilla, and Walla Walla tribes of Oregon and Washington. Funds may be used for small needs that surface throughout the year to support programs in the areas of public health, public safety, environmental protection, and gambling addiction, among others.
Geographic coverage: Parts of Washington and all of Oregon
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: Wildhorse Foundation

Last Updated: 12/29/2024