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Rural Health Information Hub

Washington Resources

FY 2024: HRSA's Rural Health Grants – Washington Fact Sheet
HRSA Federal Office of Rural Health Policy investments in Washington State in Fiscal Year 2024. Lists grant recipients, award amounts, award recipient locations, and congressional district.
Date: 11/2024
Sponsoring organization: Federal Office of Rural Health Policy
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Firearm Experiences, Behaviors, and Norms Among Rural Adolescents
Examines handgun carrying experiences and social norms among 93 rural adolescents in Washington state. Utilizes survey, interview, and focus group data to provide data on having carried a handgun, age at first carry, and views on acceptable and unacceptable ways to engage with firearms, reasons for carrying, and places to carry.
Author(s): Elizabeth H. Weybright, Heather F. Terral, Ashley Hall, et al.
Citation: JAMA Network Open, 7(10), e2441203
Date: 10/2024
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Selected Rural Healthcare Facilities in Washington
Shows the state's Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs), Rural Emergency Hospitals (REHs), and Rural Health Clinics (RHCs), as well as Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) sites and short term/PPS (Prospective Payment System) hospitals located in rural areas.
Date: 10/2024
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Training a Rural Oral Health Workforce: Effects of Rural Background on Dentist Practice Choice
Assesses outcomes from 2012-2021 of the Regional Initiatives in Dental Education (RIDE) program, an educational track of the University of Washington School of Dentistry that aims to produce graduates who practice in rural areas of the Pacific Northwest. Features demographics and statistics with breakdowns by rural or nonrural upbringing.
Author(s): Anna R. Forsyth, Arsen A. Melkonyan, Kristopher Kerns, et al.
Citation: Journal of Dental Education, 1-9
Date: 09/2024
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Characteristics of the Current Dental Hygienist Workforce in Washington State
Reports on dental hygienist (DH) supply, distribution, and characteristics in Washington State, utilizing data from a survey of 995 DHs. Provides demographic data including rural versus urban location of residence. Features county-level maps showing DH geographic distribution.
Author(s): Grace A. Guenther, Samantha W. Pollack, Benjamin A. Stubbs, Bianca K. Frogner, Susan M. Skillman
Date: 08/2024
Sponsoring organizations: UW Center for Health Workforce Studies, Washington Oral Health Workforce
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Energizing and Equipping Rural Providers in Washington State to Increase HPV Vaccination of Preteens, Ages 9-12
Describes a partnership to increase human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination among rural and non-English-speaking preteens in Washington State. Discusses collaboration between the Washington Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Washington State Department of Health to provide webinars, printed materials, and more to providers at participating clinics. Includes provider feedback data.
Author(s): Sherri Zorn, DeAnna Pittenger
Date: 07/2024
Sponsoring organization: St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
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How a Rural Health System Continues to Provide Essential Obstetric Services
Podcast episode describing how Kittitas Valley Healthcare in rural Washington State worked to continue to provide obstetric services at its Critical Access Hospital (CAH) amid the departure of its full-time obstetric providers. Discusses the involvement of the governing board and recruitment and retention efforts.
Date: 07/2024
Sponsoring organization: American Hospital Association
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Estimating the Burden and Distribution of Post–COVID-19 Condition in Washington State, March 2020–October 2023
Examines the prevalence of post–COVID-19 condition (PCC) in Washington State, utilizing a framework that incorporated data on reported COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations with estimates of PCC progression from the Household Pulse Survey. Includes data on population subgroups as well as a county-level map of Washington and corresponding chart showing PCC prevalence changes from January 2020 to January 2023.
Author(s): Arran Hamlet, Daniel Hoffman, Sharon Saydah, Ian Painter
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 21
Date: 06/2024
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Identifying Challenges and Solutions for Improving Access to Mental Health Services for Rural Youth: Insights from Adult Community Members
Presents a study on the barriers to accessing mental healthcare for rural youth in Washington State. Bases finding on interviews with community members, parents, teachers, and healthcare providers and discusses ways to overcome perceived barriers.
Author(s): Janessa M. Graves, Demetrius A. Abshire, Elissa Koontz, Jessica L. Mackelprang
Citation: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21(6), 725
Date: 06/2024
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Characteristics of the Current Dental Assistant and Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary Workforces in Washington State
Results of a survey of 1,240 dental assistants (DAs) and 113 expanded function dental auxiliaries (EFDAs), to describe the supply, distribution, and characteristics of DAs and EFDAs in Washington. Features demographics, a county-level map showing numbers of registered DAs with Washington addresses per 100,000 population, and statistics on residence with breakdowns by urban or rural location.
Author(s): Samantha W. Pollack, Grace A. Guenther, Benjamin A. Stubbs, et al.
Date: 05/2024
Sponsoring organizations: UW Center for Health Workforce Studies, Washington Oral Health Workforce
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Additional resources are available. See a full list of Washington Resources.

Last Updated: 1/6/2025