Washington Organizations
Area Health Education Center for Western Washington
Works to assure equity of and access to healthcare for underserved rural and urban populations in western Washington through education and workforce development.
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Works to assure equity of and access to healthcare for underserved rural and urban populations in western Washington through education and workforce development.
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Association of Washington Public Hospital Districts
Trade association that represents Washington State's public hospital districts and whose activities focus on two areas: education and advocacy. Hospitals in these districts are primarily rural and Critical Access Hospitals.
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Trade association that represents Washington State's public hospital districts and whose activities focus on two areas: education and advocacy. Hospitals in these districts are primarily rural and Critical Access Hospitals.
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Comagine Health
A healthcare quality consulting organization that serves as the Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) for Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, and Washington. Also provides services to state Medicaid organizations, Federally Qualified Health Centers, (FQHCs), and others.
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A healthcare quality consulting organization that serves as the Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) for Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, and Washington. Also provides services to state Medicaid organizations, Federally Qualified Health Centers, (FQHCs), and others.
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Eastern Washington Area Health Education Center
Advocates health and wellness for rural, underserved, and at-risk populations through research, education, and community development. Works to increase the pipeline of healthcare professionals, conducts a needs assessment for continuing education of healthcare professionals, and supports recruitment and placement in rural and underserved regions of Washington.
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Advocates health and wellness for rural, underserved, and at-risk populations through research, education, and community development. Works to increase the pipeline of healthcare professionals, conducts a needs assessment for continuing education of healthcare professionals, and supports recruitment and placement in rural and underserved regions of Washington.
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Northwest (Region 10) Rural Opioid Technical Assistance Collaborative
Offers training, resources, and technical assistance on rural opioid misuse prevention, treatment, and recovery for Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.
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Offers training, resources, and technical assistance on rural opioid misuse prevention, treatment, and recovery for Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.
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Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board
Assists Northwest tribes in improving health status and quality of life for member tribes and Native Americans. Helps deliver culturally appropriate and holistic healthcare.
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Assists Northwest tribes in improving health status and quality of life for member tribes and Native Americans. Helps deliver culturally appropriate and holistic healthcare.
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Northwest Regional Primary Care Association
Serves community and migrant health centers in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington by providing education, training, workforce development, community health improvement, and business model services for organization members.
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Serves community and migrant health centers in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington by providing education, training, workforce development, community health improvement, and business model services for organization members.
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Northwest Regional Telehealth Resource Center
One of the telehealth resource centers funded by the federal Office for the Advancement of Telehealth (OAT). Assists healthcare organizations, healthcare networks, and healthcare providers in the implementation of cost-effective telehealth programs to serve rural and medically underserved areas and populations. Includes Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
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One of the telehealth resource centers funded by the federal Office for the Advancement of Telehealth (OAT). Assists healthcare organizations, healthcare networks, and healthcare providers in the implementation of cost-effective telehealth programs to serve rural and medically underserved areas and populations. Includes Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
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Pacific Northwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center
Conducts research and promotes health and safety best practices for producers and workers in farming, fishing and forestry in the Pacific Northwest. NIOSH Agricultural Safety and Health Center located at the University of Washington.
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Conducts research and promotes health and safety best practices for producers and workers in farming, fishing and forestry in the Pacific Northwest. NIOSH Agricultural Safety and Health Center located at the University of Washington.
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Rural Community Assistance Corporation
Helps rural communities in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming improve community infrastructure through housing, water, and wastewater program initiatives. Offers numerous services including loans for housing and environment.
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Helps rural communities in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming improve community infrastructure through housing, water, and wastewater program initiatives. Offers numerous services including loans for housing and environment.
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Rural Health Clinic Association of Washington
Works to improve the quality of and maintain access to healthcare for rural communities in the state of Washington. Promotes collaboration, resources, and education for members.
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Works to improve the quality of and maintain access to healthcare for rural communities in the state of Washington. Promotes collaboration, resources, and education for members.
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The Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Links the healthcare sector with workforce planners, policymakers, and educators, to identify emerging skills and roles required by employers. An initiative of Washington's Health Workforce Council, conducted by Washington's Workforce Board and the University of Washington's Center for Health Workforce Studies.
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Links the healthcare sector with workforce planners, policymakers, and educators, to identify emerging skills and roles required by employers. An initiative of Washington's Health Workforce Council, conducted by Washington's Workforce Board and the University of Washington's Center for Health Workforce Studies.
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The Rural Collaborative
Consists of a rural network of 24 separately governed rural hospitals in Washington State. Offers staff education, healthcare compliance, and healthcare quality projects to help members achieve high-quality healthcare delivery systems.
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Consists of a rural network of 24 separately governed rural hospitals in Washington State. Offers staff education, healthcare compliance, and healthcare quality projects to help members achieve high-quality healthcare delivery systems.
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U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development: Washington
Works to increase homeownership, support community development, and increase access to affordable housing. The HUD Washington State office provides information about HUD housing programs and local contacts for the state.
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Works to increase homeownership, support community development, and increase access to affordable housing. The HUD Washington State office provides information about HUD housing programs and local contacts for the state.
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USDA Rural Development Washington State Office
Works to improve the economy and quality of life in all of rural Washington. Provides information about Rural Development programs and applications for financial assistance.
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Works to improve the economy and quality of life in all of rural Washington. Provides information about Rural Development programs and applications for financial assistance.
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Washington Academy of Family Physicians
Supports family practice physicians in the state of Washington. Provides members leadership, advocacy, professional development opportunities, and resources to improve the delivery of healthcare for residents in the state of Washington.
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Supports family practice physicians in the state of Washington. Provides members leadership, advocacy, professional development opportunities, and resources to improve the delivery of healthcare for residents in the state of Washington.
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Washington Area Health Education Center Program
Consists of a program office for four Area Health Education Centers (AHECs) in Washington and works in collaboration with the AHEC programs in the other four WWAMI states: Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho. Works to alleviate shortages of healthcare personnel in medically underserved rural and urban areas.
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Consists of a program office for four Area Health Education Centers (AHECs) in Washington and works in collaboration with the AHEC programs in the other four WWAMI states: Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho. Works to alleviate shortages of healthcare personnel in medically underserved rural and urban areas.
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Washington Association for Community Health
Strengthens and advocates on behalf of community health centers in Washington State as they increase healthcare access for the low-income, uninsured, and underserved populations of the state.
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Strengthens and advocates on behalf of community health centers in Washington State as they increase healthcare access for the low-income, uninsured, and underserved populations of the state.
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Washington Center for Nursing
Works to track, train, and support the nursing workforce in Washington State. Provides data and resources detailing the nursing workforce across the state. Highlights efforts to promote diversity, leadership, and education in Washington's nurses.
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Works to track, train, and support the nursing workforce in Washington State. Provides data and resources detailing the nursing workforce across the state. Highlights efforts to promote diversity, leadership, and education in Washington's nurses.
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Washington Health Care Association
Represents assisted living and skilled nursing facilities in Washington state. Promotes quality long-term healthcare and services while serving as an advocate for providers, staff, patients, and residents.
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Represents assisted living and skilled nursing facilities in Washington state. Promotes quality long-term healthcare and services while serving as an advocate for providers, staff, patients, and residents.
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Washington State Community Action Partnership
A partnership of all Community Action Agencies in the state of Washington serving all 39 Washington counties providing assistance to reduce poverty and revitalize low-income communities. Empowers low-income families and individuals in rural and urban areas, and migrant or seasonal farm workers to become self-sufficient.
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A partnership of all Community Action Agencies in the state of Washington serving all 39 Washington counties providing assistance to reduce poverty and revitalize low-income communities. Empowers low-income families and individuals in rural and urban areas, and migrant or seasonal farm workers to become self-sufficient.
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Washington State Department of Health
Works with federal, state, and local partners to help people in Washington stay healthier and safer. Serves as the home to the federally funded State Office of Rural Health.
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Works with federal, state, and local partners to help people in Washington stay healthier and safer. Serves as the home to the federally funded State Office of Rural Health.
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Washington State Department of Social and Health Services
Statewide, integrated department of high-performing programs working in partnership to help transform lives. Includes the Developmental Disability Administration, the Aging and Long-Term Support Administration, the Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery, and others.
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Statewide, integrated department of high-performing programs working in partnership to help transform lives. Includes the Developmental Disability Administration, the Aging and Long-Term Support Administration, the Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery, and others.
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Washington State Governor's Interagency Council on Health Disparities
Promotes a state action plan for eliminating health disparities in Washington state.
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Promotes a state action plan for eliminating health disparities in Washington state.
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Washington State Health Care Authority
Oversees several healthcare programs in Washington state, including Medicaid, the Washington Prescription Drug Program (WPDP), Tribal Affairs, the Washington Statewide Clinical Data Repository, Accountable Communities of Health (ACH), and a behavioral health and recovery program integrated with Medicaid.
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Oversees several healthcare programs in Washington state, including Medicaid, the Washington Prescription Drug Program (WPDP), Tribal Affairs, the Washington Statewide Clinical Data Repository, Accountable Communities of Health (ACH), and a behavioral health and recovery program integrated with Medicaid.
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Washington State Hospital Association
A membership organization representing Washington's community hospitals and health-related organizations. Provides several services designed to help member organizations achieve their missions and improve the health of their communities.
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A membership organization representing Washington's community hospitals and health-related organizations. Provides several services designed to help member organizations achieve their missions and improve the health of their communities.
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Washington State Office of Rural Health
Supports rural and underserved communities in the state of Washington by providing assistance and resources for health systems planning and development to improve health and access to healthcare.
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Supports rural and underserved communities in the state of Washington by providing assistance and resources for health systems planning and development to improve health and access to healthcare.
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Washington State Primary Care Office
Works to identify and reduce barriers to healthcare access. Facilitates the J-1 visa program, health workforce recruitment, and health center grant assistance, among other services.
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Works to identify and reduce barriers to healthcare access. Facilitates the J-1 visa program, health workforce recruitment, and health center grant assistance, among other services.
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Washington State Public Health Association
Works to improve and promote the overall health of the residents of Washington by providing opportunities for collaboration, education, professional development, and advocacy.
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Works to improve and promote the overall health of the residents of Washington by providing opportunities for collaboration, education, professional development, and advocacy.
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Western Regional Agricultural Stress Assistance Program
Provides resources, funding opportunities, and events to support mental health and farm stress assistance in the Western U.S.
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Provides resources, funding opportunities, and events to support mental health and farm stress assistance in the Western U.S.
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Western Rural Development Center
Participates in rural development research and extension projects cooperatively with universities in the West. Serves Washington, Utah, Wyoming, Nevada, Idaho, Hawaii, California, Arizona, Alaska, Oregon, New Mexico, Montana, Colorado, and 4 U.S. Pacific Territories.
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Participates in rural development research and extension projects cooperatively with universities in the West. Serves Washington, Utah, Wyoming, Nevada, Idaho, Hawaii, California, Arizona, Alaska, Oregon, New Mexico, Montana, Colorado, and 4 U.S. Pacific Territories.
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WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
One of the Rural Health Research Centers currently funded by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy. Focuses on policy-oriented research with an emphasis on the rural healthcare workforce and access to care. Based in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Washington School of Medicine.
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One of the Rural Health Research Centers currently funded by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy. Focuses on policy-oriented research with an emphasis on the rural healthcare workforce and access to care. Based in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Washington School of Medicine.
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Last Reviewed: 12/29/2023