Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Schools
Peer Mentor Versus Teacher Delivery of a Physical Activity Program on the Effects of BMI and Daily Activity: Protocol of a School-based Group Randomized Controlled Trial in Appalachia
Describes a school-based program utilizing peer mentors to promote health behavior changes and improved health outcomes in rural Appalachian Ohio teens. Explores unique circumstances leading to limited physical activity among Appalachian youth, such as a lack of organized sports and recreational facilities.
Author(s): Lauren H. Smith, Rick L. Petosa, Abigail Shoben
Citation: BMC Public Health, 18, 633
Date: 05/2018
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Describes a school-based program utilizing peer mentors to promote health behavior changes and improved health outcomes in rural Appalachian Ohio teens. Explores unique circumstances leading to limited physical activity among Appalachian youth, such as a lack of organized sports and recreational facilities.
Author(s): Lauren H. Smith, Rick L. Petosa, Abigail Shoben
Citation: BMC Public Health, 18, 633
Date: 05/2018
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The Validation of a School-Based, Culturally Grounded Drug Prevention Curriculum for Rural Hawaiian Youth
Details a study of a school-based drug prevention curriculum designed to be relevant to rural Native Hawaiian youth. Bases findings on faculty interviews. Breaks down the data by participants' sex, age, and position within the school.
Author(s): Scott K. Okamoto, Susana Helm, Lindsey K. Ostrowski, Lucille Flood
Citation: Health Promotion Practice, 19(3), 369-376
Date: 05/2018
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Details a study of a school-based drug prevention curriculum designed to be relevant to rural Native Hawaiian youth. Bases findings on faculty interviews. Breaks down the data by participants' sex, age, and position within the school.
Author(s): Scott K. Okamoto, Susana Helm, Lindsey K. Ostrowski, Lucille Flood
Citation: Health Promotion Practice, 19(3), 369-376
Date: 05/2018
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Case Studies From the 2017 Care Coordination Comparative Study
Provides an overview of four care coordination approaches being used in rural areas: care coach, clinical, community health worker, and school-based. Includes individual case studies of rural care coordination programs, with detailed information on target populations, technology used, partners, care team composition, and more.
Date: 05/2018
Sponsoring organizations: National Rural Health Resource Center, Rural Health Innovations
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Provides an overview of four care coordination approaches being used in rural areas: care coach, clinical, community health worker, and school-based. Includes individual case studies of rural care coordination programs, with detailed information on target populations, technology used, partners, care team composition, and more.
Date: 05/2018
Sponsoring organizations: National Rural Health Resource Center, Rural Health Innovations
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Results of an Asthma Education Program Delivered via Telemedicine in Rural Schools
Examines the impact of a school telemedicine intervention intended to reduce asthma burden among children in the Arkansas Delta region. Summarizes the intervention, participant demographics, asthma-related characteristics, and intervention outcomes.
Author(s): Tamara T. Perry, Jill S. Halterman, Rita H. Brown, et al.
Citation: Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, 120(4), 401-408
Date: 04/2018
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Examines the impact of a school telemedicine intervention intended to reduce asthma burden among children in the Arkansas Delta region. Summarizes the intervention, participant demographics, asthma-related characteristics, and intervention outcomes.
Author(s): Tamara T. Perry, Jill S. Halterman, Rita H. Brown, et al.
Citation: Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, 120(4), 401-408
Date: 04/2018
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A Compass for Families: Head Start in Rural America
Report details the importance of Head Start programs to rural communities. Discusses the services Head Start provides for rural families, such as child care, connection to health services, and transportation, among others. Features county-level data and rural-urban comparisons.
Author(s): Rasheed Malik, Leila Schochet
Date: 04/2018
Sponsoring organization: Center for American Progress
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Report details the importance of Head Start programs to rural communities. Discusses the services Head Start provides for rural families, such as child care, connection to health services, and transportation, among others. Features county-level data and rural-urban comparisons.
Author(s): Rasheed Malik, Leila Schochet
Date: 04/2018
Sponsoring organization: Center for American Progress
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Rural Hunger in America: School Breakfast
Describes benefits of the School Breakfast Program for low-income students in rural communities and lists strategies to increase participation.
Date: 03/2018
Sponsoring organization: Food Research & Action Center
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Describes benefits of the School Breakfast Program for low-income students in rural communities and lists strategies to increase participation.
Date: 03/2018
Sponsoring organization: Food Research & Action Center
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Altering the School Breakfast Environment Reduces Barriers to School Breakfast Participation Among Diverse Rural Youth
Analyzes data from the BreakFAST study to examine if changing school breakfast policies and environments impacts students' beliefs on the barriers and benefits of eating breakfast in rural high schools in Minnesota.
Author(s): Mary O. Hearst, Amy Shanafelt, Qi Wang, Robert Leduc, Marilyn S. Nanney
Citation: Journal of School Health, 88(1), 3-8
Date: 01/2018
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Analyzes data from the BreakFAST study to examine if changing school breakfast policies and environments impacts students' beliefs on the barriers and benefits of eating breakfast in rural high schools in Minnesota.
Author(s): Mary O. Hearst, Amy Shanafelt, Qi Wang, Robert Leduc, Marilyn S. Nanney
Citation: Journal of School Health, 88(1), 3-8
Date: 01/2018
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Introduction to Multi-Sector Intersections and Collaborations to Advance Health Equity
Illustrates how state and local public health departments can partner with non-public health governmental sectors - agriculture, economy, education, environment, housing, justice, and transportation - to promote improving health for all people.
Date: 2018
Sponsoring organization: Association of State and Territorial Health Officials
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Illustrates how state and local public health departments can partner with non-public health governmental sectors - agriculture, economy, education, environment, housing, justice, and transportation - to promote improving health for all people.
Date: 2018
Sponsoring organization: Association of State and Territorial Health Officials
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Growing Up Rural in America
Presents a report on the state of childhood in rural America. Details challenges rural children face, such as poverty, adolescent pregnancy, and food access issues. Features rural-urban comparisons and state-by-state data.
Date: 2018
Sponsoring organization: Save the Children
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Presents a report on the state of childhood in rural America. Details challenges rural children face, such as poverty, adolescent pregnancy, and food access issues. Features rural-urban comparisons and state-by-state data.
Date: 2018
Sponsoring organization: Save the Children
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Leveling the Playing Field for Rural Students
Provides a snapshot of rural schools and discusses the challenges they face. Challenges include how to provide new, high quality educational opportunities, health barriers that affect learning, providing career and technical education programs, food insecurity for rural children, and investments in rural schools.
Date: 11/2017
Sponsoring organizations: School Superintendents Association, The Rural School and Community Trust
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Provides a snapshot of rural schools and discusses the challenges they face. Challenges include how to provide new, high quality educational opportunities, health barriers that affect learning, providing career and technical education programs, food insecurity for rural children, and investments in rural schools.
Date: 11/2017
Sponsoring organizations: School Superintendents Association, The Rural School and Community Trust
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