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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Population health

Supporting HPV Vaccination with Rural Communities
Discusses the importance of improving human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in rural areas. Highlights the importance of overcoming challenges related to access, awareness, and education in order to address disparities.
Author(s): Casey L. Daniel
Date: 01/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
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Designing Home-Based Physical Activity Programs for Rural Cancer Survivors: A Survey of Technology Access and Preferences
Results of a survey of 298 adults with cancer on demographics, cancer characteristics, technology use and access, current physical activity, and preferred home-based physical activity program characteristics. Includes rural versus nonrural comparisons.
Author(s): Elizabeth A. Salerno, Rohana Gao, Jason Fanning, et al.
Citation: Frontiers in Oncology, 13, 1061641
Date: 01/2023
Type: Document
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Iowa's 2023-2027 State Health Improvement Plan
Provides information on the Healthy Iowans Partnership Steering Committee, public health department accreditation process, state health improvement plan (SHIP) and its phases, and population health metrics. Discusses health equity and improving health outcomes for disadvantaged populations, including rural.
Date: 01/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Iowa Department of Health and Human Services
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Listening to Local Voices in Community Assessment: Access to Food and Physical Activity in Wisconsin's Black, Hmong, Latinx, and Somali Communities
Examines the barriers and facilitators related to accessing healthy food and engaging in physical activity within Hmong, Somali, Latinx, and Black/African American communities in Wisconsin. Includes feedback from community-led focus group discussions involving participants from rural and urban counties. Provides suggestions to create partnerships and improve programming.
Author(s): Elizabeth Feder, Nancy Crull
Date: 01/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute
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HCV Serostatus and Injection Sharing Practices Among Those Who Obtain Syringes From Pharmacies and Directly and Indirectly From Syringe Services Programs in Rural New England
Explores the effect that syringe services programs (SSPs) have on hepatitis C (HCV) infection rates in rural people who inject drugs (PWID). Breaks down data by user characteristics, such as age, employment, and syringe sharing practices, among others.
Author(s): Eric Romo, Abby E. Rudolph, Thomas J. Stopka, et al.
Citation: Addiction Science and Clinical Practice, 18
Date: 01/2023
Type: Document
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A Feasibility Study of Augmented Reality Intervention for Safety Education for Farm Parents and Children
Interviewed 10 Maryland farm families to determine the need for and experience using augmented reality (AR) technology for the promotion of safety on the farm for children. Describes the creation of an AR program.
Author(s): Kang Namkoong, John Leach, Junhan Chen, Jiawen Zhang, Bryan Weichelt
Citation: Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 903933
Date: 01/2023
Type: Document
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Aging on the Farm: Emerging Issues 2020-2021 Evaluation Report
Highlights 4 projects related to aging on the farm. Includes project descriptions, results, and future plans. Project topics include telehealth occupational therapy, data gathering on farmer needs in order to safely age in place, dementia awareness and healthcare quality, and exercise promotion for farmers with Parkinson's disease.
Author(s): Erica Shuck, Devon Charlier
Date: 01/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center
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Development and Implementation of the ECHO Model in a School Setting to Address Youth Electronic Cigarette Use in Kansas: A Protocol
Evaluates the development of an ECHO pilot project in Kansas to build staff capacity for the purpose of addressing youth e-cigarette use in rural and frontier areas. Utilizes 20 interdisciplinary school teams to participate in the ECHO model from 2021-2022 and discusses the potential effectiveness of the ECHO model.
Author(s): Eleanor L. S. Leavens, Jordan Roberts, Babalola Faseru, et al.
Citation: Frontiers in Public Health, 10
Date: 01/2023
Type: Document
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Rural Americans' COVID-19 Vaccine Perceptions and Willingness to Vaccinate against COVID-19 with Their Community Pharmacists: An Exploratory Study
Presents a study on the perceptions of rural people on the COVID-19 vaccine and their willingness to receive a vaccine from their community pharmacist. Bases findings on phone-based interviews with rural adults. Breaks down data by age, sex, and education, among other measures.
Author(s): Alexis M. Koskan, Iris E. LoCoco, Casey L. Daniel, et al.
Citation: Vaccines, 11(1), 171
Date: 01/2023
Type: Document
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Radiotherapy Deserts: The Impact of Race, Poverty, and the Rural-Urban Continuum on Density of Providers and the Use of Radiation Therapy in the US
Investigates the prevalence of radiotherapy deserts for prostate cancer (PC) and invasive breast cancer (BC) at the county level in the United States. Analyzes physicians to persons at risk (PPR) and use to persons at risk (UPR) according to gender, race/ethnicity, poverty level, and metro versus non-metro county. Includes U.S. maps depicting death and incidence rate hot zones, high PPR density, high UPR density, and more.
Author(s): Anna W. LaVigne, Theodore L. DeWeese, Jean L. Wright, et al.
Citation: International Journal of Radiation Oncology, 116(1), 17-27
Date: 01/2023
Type: Document
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