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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Population health

Salud es Vida: Development of a Cervical Cancer Education Curriculum for Promotora Outreach With Latina Farmworkers in Rural Southern Georgia
Discusses the development and evaluation of a community health worker curriculum intended to inform Hispanic farmworker women about cervical cancer, human papillomavirus (HPV), and the HPV vaccine.
Author(s): John S. Luque, Mondi Mason, Claudia Reyes-Garcia, et al.
Citation: American Journal of Public Health, 101(12), 2233-2235
Date: 12/2011
Type: Document
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An Analysis of Oral Health Disparities and Access to Services in the Appalachian Region
Analyzes disparities in oral health status and access to oral healthcare in the Appalachian Region. Examines relationships between oral health disparities and socioeconomic status indicators. Focuses on aiding efforts to develop targeted interventions to reduce disparities in Appalachia.
Author(s): Denise D. Krause, Warren L. May, Nancy M. Lane, et al.
Date: 12/2011
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Appalachian Regional Commission, The Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research
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Smoke-Free Policies at Home, Church, and Work: Smoking Levels and Recent Quit Attempts Among a Southeastern Rural Population, 2007
Examines the effect of smoke-free policies and social support for quitting smoking in the home, at church, and at work for rural African American and White people in 4 Georgia counties.
Author(s): Carla Berg, Deanne W. Swan, Michelle C. Kegler, et al.
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 9
Date: 12/2011
Type: Document
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Reducing Health Disparities in Rural America: Key Provisions in the Affordable Care Act
Discusses provisions from the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act including Community Transformation Grants, Understanding Health Disparities, and Prevention and Public Health Fund.
Date: 12/2011
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Advisory Committee on Rural Health and Human Services
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The Strong African American Families-Teen Trial: Rationale, Design, Engagement Processes, and Family-Specific Effects
Presents the results of a randomized, attention-controlled trial comparing the Strong African American Families–Teen (SAAF–T) family-centered intervention program for adolescents to a comparable family-centered control program that focused on health and nutrition. African American families from six counties in rural Georgia with a 10th-grade student participated in the study. The study focused on family management skills, culturally consistent programming, and community-based implementation procedures.
Author(s): Steven M. Kogan, Gene H. Brody, Virginia K. Molgaard, et al.
Citation: Prevention Science, 13(2), 206–217
Date: 11/2011
Type: Document
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Exploring Geographic Variation in Lung Cancer Incidence in Kentucky Using a Spatial Scan Statistic: Elevated Risk in the Appalachian Coal-Mining Region
Discusses mining-related environmental factors which may contribute to high rates of lung cancer in 30 Kentucky counties. Includes breakdowns by sex, age group, smoking history, county-level lung cancer rates from 1995-2007, and coal production rates from 1983-2007.
Author(s): W. Jay Christian, Bin Huang, John Rinehart, Claudia Hopenhayn
Citation: Public Health Reports, 126(6)
Date: 11/2011
Type: Document
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Feasibility of an Evidence-Based Weight Loss Intervention for a Faith-Based, Rural, African American Population
Discusses a culturally appropriate program created by a coalition of academic and community partners and geared toward adults in three African American churches in the Arkansas Lower Mississippi Delta. Measured effectiveness of recruitment strategies, program retention, implementation ease, participant outcomes, and program satisfaction.
Author(s): Karen Hye-cheon Kim Yeary, Carol E. Cornell, Jerome Turner, et al.
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 8(6)
Date: 11/2011
Type: Document
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Chronic Disease Risk Factors Among American Indian/Alaska Native Women of Reproductive Age
Discusses prevalence of chronic conditions and risk factors among a nationally representative sample of American Indian/Alaska Native women aged 18-44 years and makes comparisons with White women. Includes statistical breakdowns by weight status, physical activity level, cigarette use, and insurance coverage.
Author(s): Pamela Amparo, Sherry L. Farr, Patricia M. Dietz
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 8(6)
Date: 11/2011
Type: Document
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Depression Literacy: Rates and Relation to Perceived Need and Mental Health Service Utilization in a Rural American Sample
Reports on a study that evaluated the depression literacy of a rural American sample, and examined the relationship of depression literacy with perceived need for and utilization of different types of services for those with emotional problems.
Author(s): Tisha Deen, Ana Bridges
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 11(4), 1803
Date: 11/2011
Type: Document
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Assessment of Awareness of Connectedness as a Culturally-Based Protective Factor for Alaska Native Youth
Describes development of the Awareness of Connectedness Scale, a quantitative scale tested with 284 Alaska Native youth to assess risk, resiliency, and change, based on cultural concepts of disorder, wellness, and healing.
Author(s): Nathaniel V. Mohatt, Carlotta C. Ting Fok, Rebekah Burket, David Henry, James Allen
Citation: Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 17(4), 444–455
Date: 10/2011
Type: Document
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