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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Population health

Sexual Networks, Surveillance, and Geographical Space during Syphilis Outbreaks in Rural North Carolina
Examines associations between surveillance, sexual networks, and geography for syphilis outbreaks in rural counties of North Carolina. Includes demographic characteristics by syphilis status and multiple figures illustrating the socio-sexual networks between the six rural North Carolina counties.
Author(s): Irene A. Doherty, Marc L. Serre, Dionne Gesink, et al.
Citation: Epidemiology, 23(6), 845-851
Date: 11/2012
Type: Document
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Creating a Patient Navigation Model to Address Cervical Cancer Disparities in a Rural Hispanic Farmworker Community
Details a program to address cervical cancer disparities in rural Hispanic agricultural workers. Addresses specific barriers to preventive screenings, including awareness and knowledge of screening, cultural beliefs, cost, lack of health insurance, transportation, and child care.
Author(s): Kristen J. Wells, Maria I. Rivera, Sister Sara K. Proctor, et al.
Citation: Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 23(4), 1712-1718
Date: 11/2012
Type: Document
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Community Benefit Activities of Critical Access Hospitals, Non-Metropolitan Hospitals and Metropolitan Hospitals, 2010
Compares Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) to non-metropolitan non-CAHs (non-metro hospitals) and metropolitan (metro) hospitals using a set of community benefit indicators developed by the Flex Monitoring Team (FMT).
Author(s): Zach Croll, John Gale, Andrew Coburn
Date: 11/2012
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Flex Monitoring Team
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Nutritional Status and Socio-Ecological Factors Associated with Overweight/Obesity at a Rural-Serving US-Mexico Border University
Examines the prevalence of obesity and the environmental factors associated with promoting weight gain and not being conducive to weight loss at a U.S.–Mexico border university serving rural populations.
Author(s): Susan Wilson, Amanda Gallivan, Cindy Kratzke, Anup Amatya
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 12(4), 2228
Date: 11/2012
Type: Document
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Mental Health and Aging Initiative: Intervention Component Effects
Evaluates the Mental Healthiness and Aging Initiative (MHAI) intervention in rural Kentucky and finds that it is feasible and has increased awareness and knowledge about mental health and substance abuse and aging.
Author(s): Faika Zanjani, Tracy Davis, Tina Kruger, Deborah Murray
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 12(4), 2154
Date: 11/2012
Type: Document
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Priorities for Action in a Rural Older Adults Study
Discusses a study based on interviews with older rural adults in the southern border region of New Mexico regarding their experiences with health disparities while aging in a rural area. Analyzes data on prescription medication affordability, transportation, and assisted living, as well as cultural, linguistic, and economic barriers to access.
Author(s): Jennifer B. Averill
Citation: Family and Community Health, 35(4), 358-372
Date: 10/2012
Type: Document
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The Relationship Between Rural Status, Individual Characteristics, and Self-rated Health in the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Examines a study of individuals' self-rated health as it relates to whether they live in an urban or rural area. Discusses the role of other factors, such as healthcare coverage, alcohol consumption, and body weight, among others.
Author(s): Traci N. Bethea, Russell P. Lopez, Yvette C. Cozier, Laura F. White, Michael D. McClean
Citation: Journal of Rural Health, 28(4), 327-338
Date: 10/2012
Type: Document
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Health Risk Behaviors in Insured and Uninsured Community Health Center Patients in the Rural US South
Examines the most common risk-taking behaviors of rural patients of Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and if risk-taking behaviors vary between insured and uninsured patients.
Author(s): K. Bryant Smalley, Jacob Warren, Jeffrey Klibert
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 12(4), 2123
Date: 10/2012
Type: Document
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Formative Research on HPV Vaccine Acceptability Among Latina Farmworkers
Reports on a qualitative study of surveys and interviews with low-income Latina farmworkers located in central Florida to better understand the benefits and barriers linked to the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination and HPV screening. The study population included 49 female farmworkers primarily of Mexican and Honduran backgrounds and 19 healthcare workers who serve this population.
Author(s): John S. Luque, Heide Castañeda, Dinorah Martinez Tyson, et al.
Citation: Health Promotion Practice, 13(5), 617-625
Date: 09/2012
Type: Document
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Comparing Costs of Telephone Versus Face-to-Face Extended Care Programs for the Management of Obesity in Rural Settings
Describes and compares program costs and cost-effectiveness for 12-month extended care lifestyle maintenance programs following an initial 6-month weight loss program for women in rural Florida. Delivery methods for extended care lifestyle programs include telephone counseling, group face-to-face counseling, and mailed newsletters without counseling.
Author(s): Tiffany Radcliff, Linda Bobroff, Lesley Lutes, et al.
Citation: Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 112(9), 1363-1373
Date: 09/2012
Type: Document
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