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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Population health

Cost-Effective Strategies for Rural Community Outreach, Hawaii, 2010-2011
Compares the cost-effectiveness of three recruitment strategies designed to maximize attendance by older adults and their caregivers at classes on chronic disease medication safety in the three rural counties of Kauai, Maui, and Hawaii.
Author(s): Karen L. Pellegrin, Anna Barbato, R. Scott Holuby, Anita E. Ciarleglio, Ronald Taniguchi
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 11
Date: 12/2014
Type: Document
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Cancer Disparities Among Alaska Native People, 1970-2011
Examines cancer incidence and mortality data for Alaska Native (AN) people in different categories and varying year ranges from 1970 through 2011, and compares cancer rates for AN and U.S. White populations. Shows that cancer mortality rates among AN people exceeded rates among White people for all cancers combined, for cancers of the lung, stomach, pancreas, kidney, and cervix, and for colorectal cancer.
Author(s): Janet J. Kelly, Anne P. Lanier, Teresa Schade, Jennifer Brantley, B. Michael Starkey
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 11
Date: 12/2014
Type: Document
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Relationship Between Social Support and Body Mass Index Among Overweight and Obese African American Women in the Rural Deep South, 2011–2013
Reports results from a study undertaken in rural communities of the Alabama Black Belt and the Mississippi Delta. Examines encouragement and discouragement provided to overweight and obese African American women by family and friends related to healthy eating and exercise.
Author(s): Erica R. Johnson, Tiffany L. Carson, Olivia Affuso, Claudia M. Hardy, Monica L. Baskin
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 11
Date: 12/2014
Type: Document
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The Role of Medicare and the Indian Health Service for American Indians and Alaska Natives: Health, Access and Coverage
Examines the health, healthcare access, income, and education disparities that exist within the Native American and Alaskan Native population, as well as the roles of Medicare and the Indian Health Service (IHS) in addressing these disparities.
Author(s): Cristina Boccuti, Christina Swoope, Samantha Artiga
Date: 12/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: KFF
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All Rural Places Are Not Created Equal: Revisiting the Rural Mortality Penalty in the United States
Examines disparities in mortality between rural and urban areas in the U.S. by measuring disparities across different levels of rurality. Includes data for rural populations and excess deaths. Table 2 covers mortality by percent African American, percent in poverty, percent age 65 years and older, region, emergency department visits, hospital physicians, and hospital beds.
Author(s): Wesley L. James
Citation: American Journal of Public Health, 104(11), 2122-2129
Date: 11/2014
Type: Document
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Assessment of Mobile Device and SMS Use for Diet and Exercise Information among Rural Mexican-American Adolescents
Study examining how rural Mexican-American youth use the Internet or short message service (SMS) on mobile devices to access health related information to learn about diet and exercise. Evaluates the use of mobile devices for diet and exercise knowledge and its utility in planning interventions to address obesity among the study population.
Author(s): Jennifer L. Collins, Jane Dimmitt Champion
Citation: Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 29(6), 493-502
Date: 11/2014
Type: Document
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Findings from the National Agricultural Workers Survey (NAWS) 2000-2009: Profiles of Youth, Parents, and Children of Farm Workers in the United States
Examines the demographic and employment characteristics of youth crop workers, dependent children of crop workers, and farmworker parents. Focuses on the potential for pesticide exposure. Based on data collected between October 1, 1999 and September 20, 2009 through face-to-face interviews with 26,347 crop workers.
Author(s): Susan Gabbard, Annie Georges, Trish Hernandez, Carmen Sum, Daniel Carroll
Date: 11/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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Access to Health Care in the U.S.-México Border Region: Challenges and Opportunities
Identifies ways in which the United States-Mexico Border Health Commission and other interested organizations can increase healthcare access for border populations in the U.S. Compares provisions of health reform in both countries to recognize potential binational public health collaborations. Discusses the socioeconomic challenges in healthcare access and the enrollment gaps in health insurance offered through the market place.
Date: 11/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: United States-México Border Health Commission
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Annual Report 1: HCIA Disease-Specific Evaluation
Evaluations of 18 Health Care Innovation Awards Round One projects targeting patient populations with specific diseases. Includes projects that serve a variety of rural areas and address conditions such as diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. Approaches discussed include care coordination, education, and telehealth.
Date: 11/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, NORC at the University of Chicago
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A Cross-Sectional Study of Stressors Among Farmers in Eastern North Carolina
A study identifying stressors among farmers in North Carolina as a method in the development of targeted strategies and services to reduce stress and improve health outcomes.
Author(s): Gregory D. Kearney, Ann P. Rafferty, Lauren R. Hendricks, et al.
Citation: North Carolina Medical Journal, 75(6), 384-392
Date: 11/2014
Type: Document
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