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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Population health

Older Adult Social Participation and Its Relationship with Health: Rural-Urban Differences
Analyzes social participation among older adults and if the relationships between social participation and health differ between rural and urban settings in Wisconsin. Includes study population statistics on current and past self-reported health status, marital status, employment, age, income, social participation, and rurality.
Author(s): Eric M. Vogelsang
Citation: Health & Place, 42, 111-119
Date: 11/2016
Type: Document
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Healthcare Eligibility and Availability and Healthcare Reform: Are We Addressing Rural Women's Barriers to Accessing Care?
Reports the results from a focus group of women living in 7 rural Illinois counties to identify barriers in accessing healthcare prior to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). Covers potential gaps in the legislation and how they can add to the existing barriers rural populations experience when accessing healthcare.
Author(s): Kristine Zimmermann, Leslie Carnahan, Ellen Paulsey, Yamile Molina
Citation: Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 27(4A), 204-219
Date: 11/2016
Type: Document
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Lead Guidelines for Primary Care Providers Caring for the Adult Migrant Worker
Provides guidance to primary care providers treating adult migrant workers who have been exposed to lead in hazardous occupations such as farmwork and construction.
Date: 11/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Migrant Clinicians Network
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Innovations in Rural Health System Development: Governance
Discusses the need for collaboration between healthcare facilities and their communities, including ideas for new approaches to governance to help make these transitions happen. Provides examples of hospital/health system collaborations and population health programs from throughout the U.S.
Author(s): Sara Kahn-Troster, Andrew Coburn
Date: 11/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Maine Health Access Foundation, Maine Rural Health Research Center
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Comparing the Community Benefit Spending of Critical Access, Other Rural, and Urban Hospitals
Examines the levels and types of community benefit spending by Critical Access, rural, and urban hospitals. Compares the spending by percentage of total expenses, as well as by category, direct patient care versus community-building activities.
Author(s): John Gale, Zach Croll, Andrew Coburn, Jamar Croom
Date: 11/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Flex Monitoring Team
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Understanding Barriers to Cervical Cancer Screening in Women With Access to Care, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2014
Results of a national study examining nonfinancial barriers to cervical cancer screening among women aged 45-60, of whom a higher proportion of those who were rarely or never screened reported multiple chronic conditions. Features demographic statistics with breakdowns including disease history for eleven chronic conditions and metropolitan or nonmetropolitan residence status.
Author(s): Anatasha Crawford, Vicki Benard, Jessica King, Cheryll C. Thomas
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 13
Date: 11/2016
Type: Document
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Exploring High Infant and Maternal Mortality Rates in the Rural U.S. with Dr. Ali Mokdad
An interview with Dr. Ali Mokdad discusses the reasons behind the United States' high infant and maternal mortality rates, with a focus on rural areas.
Author(s): Jenn Lukens
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 10/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Emergent Public Health Issues in the US-Mexico Border Region
Features articles on public health issues and disparities in the U.S.-Mexico border region. Covers mental health disorders, maternal and child health, diseases, accidents, access to care, and more.
Date: 10/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Office of Border Health
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Challenges and Promise of Health Equity for Native Hawaiians
Illustrates the status of health equity for Native Hawaiians by describing their population characteristics, and health and social disparities. Identifies effective programs developed to address health disparities, and offers recommendations to improve health equity.
Author(s): Noreen Mokuau, Patrick H. DeLeon, Joseph Keawe'aimoku Kaholokula, et al.
Date: 10/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Academy of Medicine
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Listening to the Patient: Women Veterans' Insights About Health Care Needs, Access, and Quality in Rural Areas
Presents a study on rural women veterans' experiences accessing quality healthcare. Focus group results highlight issues pertaining to access to oral and mental healthcare, community-based supports services, and gender-specific care in rural communities.
Author(s): Elizabeth Brooks, Nancy K. Dailey, Byron D. Bair, Jay H. Shore
Citation: Military Medicine, 181(9), 976-981
Date: 09/2016
Type: Document
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