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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Population health

Rural Risk: Geographic Disparities in Trauma Mortality
Examines injury mortality between rural and urban residents with traumatic injuries using data from the 2009 to 2010 Nationwide Emergency Department Sample study. Includes rural and urban statistics by age group, mortality, trauma designation, census region, and other variables.
Author(s): Molly P. Jarman, Renan C. Castillo, Anthony R. Carlini, Lisa M. Kodadek, Adil H. Haider
Citation: Surgery, 160(6), 1551-1559
Date: 12/2016
Type: Document
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Medication-Assisted Treatment Models of Care for Opioid Use Disorder in Primary Care Settings
Report details 12 promising medication-assisted treatment (MAT) models for treatment of opioid use disorder in a primary care setting. Discusses rural issues in several models.
Date: 12/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
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The National Tribal Behavioral Health Agenda
Highlights behavioral health options for American Indian and Alaska Native tribal leaders and federal partners. Discusses behavioral health issues and interventions in tribal communities and explores policy recommendations.
Date: 12/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
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Adaptation in Arctic Circumpolar Communities: Food and Water Security in a Changing Climate
Discusses the effects of climate change on food and water security in rural communities. Covers strategies to adapt to a changing climate from Alaska Native populations.
Author(s): James Berner, Michael Brubaker, Boris Revitch, et al.
Citation: International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 75(1)
Date: 12/2016
Type: Document
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Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations for Acute and Chronic Conditions in Alaska, 2010–2012
Estimates potentially preventable hospitalizations (PPH) for acute and chronic conditions among Alaskan adults aged 18 years and older from 2010 to 2012. Includes statistics on PPH, for both acute and chronic conditions, and all other hospitalizations by sex, age group, hospital location, and expected payment source.
Author(s): Prabhu P. Gounder, Sara M. Seeman, Robert C. Holman, et al.
Citation: Preventive Medicine Reports, 4, 614-621
Date: 12/2016
Type: Document
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Examining the Role of a Community Coalition in Facilitating Policy and Environmental Changes to Promote Physical Activity: The Case of Get Fit Kaua'i
Examines Get Fit Kauai, a community coalition that brought changes in built environment (BE) policies and infrastructure changes to rural Hawaii. Describes how the community coalition developed a theory to explain the process of the community coalition facilitating BE change to support physical activity.
Author(s): Lehua B. Choy, Jay E. Maddock, Beverley Brody, Katherine L. Richards, Kathryn L. Braun
Citation: Translational Behavioral Medicine, 6(4), 638-647
Date: 12/2016
Type: Document
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Social Determinants of Health and Vulnerable Populations in Rural Maryland
White paper discussing how social determinants of health impact those who face barriers to health and are susceptible to poor health due to circumstances such as environmental conditions, housing concerns, lack of transportation, and poverty. Includes strategies and examples of programs that have worked in rural communities to address topics such as substance use disorder and care coordination.
Date: 12/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Maryland Community Health Resources Commission, Maryland Rural Health Association
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Iowa State Innovation Model (SIM): Baseline Process/Implementation Report
Reports on the progress, challenges, and future concerns during the pre-implementation (2015) and the first-year implementation (2016) of the Iowa State Innovation Model (SIM) test grant to improve population health, transform healthcare, and promote sustainability in rural and urban counties of Iowa. Discusses 5 main SIM activities: Plan for Population Health (PPH), Community Care Coalitions (C3) including rural counties, Statewide Alert Network (SWAN), Community-Based Performance Improvement (CBPI), and Value-Based Purchasing (VBP).
Author(s): Suzanne Bentler, Tessa Heeren, Rochelle Schultz Spinarski, Elizabeth Momany, Peter Damiano
Date: 12/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Iowa Public Policy Center
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Adverse Childhood Experiences and Health in Adulthood in a Rural Population-Based Sample
Presents results from a rural community-based study examining how adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) affect health and well-being in adulthood. Reports on electronic medical record data related to body mass index and various medical diagnoses.
Author(s): Kristen C. Iniguez, Rachel V. Stankowski
Citation: Clinical Medicine & Research, 14(3-4), 126-137
Date: 12/2016
Type: Document
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Determinants of Oral Health Assessment and Screening in Physician Assistant Clinical Practice
Results of a survey of physician assistant graduates, focused on their education in oral health and if or how they included oral health screenings and referrals in their clinical practice after graduation. Data and statistics for rural health clinics included, along with contributing factors of care such as availability of dentists, lack of insurance, and cost of dental work.
Date: 12/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Center for Health Workforce Studies
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