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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Population health

Activities and Situations When Young Adults Drive Drunk in Rural Montana
Examines the situations that lead to or promote driving under the influence of alcohol for young adults in 8 rural Montana counties, drawing from 11 focus group sessions with a total of 72 participants. Describes elevated fatality rates related to traffic crashes in rural areas and situation-specific decision factors contributing to driving under the influence. Discusses implications of data for community-wide interventions to reduce underage drinking and driving after or while drinking.
Author(s): Matthew E. Rossheim, Kaylin M. Greene, Caroline J. Stephenson
Citation: American Journal of Health Behavior, 42(3), 27-36
Date: 05/2018
Type: Document
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Peer Mentor Versus Teacher Delivery of a Physical Activity Program on the Effects of BMI and Daily Activity: Protocol of a School-based Group Randomized Controlled Trial in Appalachia
Describes a school-based program utilizing peer mentors to promote health behavior changes and improved health outcomes in rural Appalachian Ohio teens. Explores unique circumstances leading to limited physical activity among Appalachian youth, such as a lack of organized sports and recreational facilities.
Author(s): Lauren H. Smith, Rick L. Petosa, Abigail Shoben
Citation: BMC Public Health, 18, 633
Date: 05/2018
Type: Document
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Rural Hospital Transitional Care Program Reduces Medicare Spending
Evaluates the impact of a weekly transitional care intervention, conducted by phone for recently discharged patients, on service use and spending among Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries at a community-based hospital in rural Worcester County, Maryland.
Author(s): Keith Kranker, Linda M. Barterian, Rumin Sarwar, et al.
Citation: American Journal of Managed Care, 24(5), 256-260
Date: 05/2018
Type: Document
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The Validation of a School-Based, Culturally Grounded Drug Prevention Curriculum for Rural Hawaiian Youth
Details a study of a school-based drug prevention curriculum designed to be relevant to rural Native Hawaiian youth. Bases findings on faculty interviews. Breaks down the data by participants' gender, age, and position within the school.
Author(s): Scott K. Okamoto, Susana Helm, Lindsey K. Ostrowski, Lucille Flood
Citation: Health Promotion Practice, 19(3), 369-376
Date: 05/2018
Type: Document
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Active Ottumwa: Adapting Evidence-Based Recommendations to Promote Physical Activity in a Micropolitan New Destination Community
Reports on the development of an evidence-based community-wide intervention promoting physical activity in Ottumwa, Iowa, a micropolitan community of nearly 25,000 people. This program, Active Ottumwa, utilizes lay health advisors and incorporates behavioral and social intervention approaches to improve health. Evaluation procedures for this study include a community survey, longitudinal cohort assessment, observational data, interviews, and project records.
Author(s): Barbara Baquero, Christine M. Kava, Sato Ashida, et al.
Citation: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(5), 917
Date: 05/2018
Type: Document
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Implementation of the MEDFRAT to Promote Quality Care and Decrease Falls in Community Hospital Emergency Rooms
Examines the implementation of Memorial Emergency Department Fall-Risk Assessment Tool (MEDFRAT), an evidence based fall-risk assessment tool, in 12 emergency departments part of a rural health care system in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and North Dakota.
Author(s): Catherine A. McCarty, Theo A. Woehrle, Stephen C. Waring, Allise M. Taran, Laura A. Kitch
Citation: Journal of Emergency Nursing, 44(3), 280-284
Date: 05/2018
Type: Document
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Running the Numbers: County Level Dynamics of Heroin Mortality in North Carolina
Presents a study on opioid overdose mortality in North Carolina. Compares counties that have higher rates of overdose mortality with those with lower rates and aims to identify the factors that contribute to those rates.
Author(s): Alexander H Gunn, Bryce Bartlett, Grace Feng, et al.
Citation: North Carolina Medical Journal, 79(3), 195-200
Date: 05/2018
Type: Document
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As Fatal Overdoses Rise, Many Americans See Drug Addiction as a Major Problem in Their Community
Highlights the results of a Pew Research Center survey on fatal drug overdoses and public concern about the opioid crisis. Features data comparing rural, urban, and suburban areas.
Author(s): John Gramlich
Date: 05/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Pew Research Center
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Mold and Asthma: A Look at Co-Occurrence in Two Rural Communities in California
Reports on a study of mold and asthma prevalence in two rural, primarily low-income, migrant farmworker communities. Covers housing type, income, occupation, gender, the percent of children and adults with asthma, and mold types and amounts. Compares results to national averages.
Author(s): Ryan Sinclair, Charity Russell, Genevieve Kray, Stephen Vesper, Gail Wadsworth
Date: 05/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: California Institute for Rural Studies
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ThedaCare: Leveraging Community Paramedics To Bridge Persistent Gaps in Care
Describes ThedaCare, a 2016 participant in the Transforming Complex Care initiative from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Center for Health Care Strategies, a community paramedic (CP) program that works to extend the reach of clinic services to medically and socially complex patients in Northeastern Wisconsin. Discusses program goals, steps to establishing the CP program, and sustainability.
Author(s): Naomi Freundlich
Date: 05/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Center for Health Care Strategies
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