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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Population health

Outbreak of E. Coli O157:H7 Infections Associated with Exposure to Animal Manure in a Rural Community — Arizona and Utah, June-July 2017
Examines an E. coli outbreak along the Arizona-Utah border and how health facilities worked with local and state health officials along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to identify and address the cause of the outbreak. Offers recommendations for people who come into contact with animals or animal manure.
Author(s): Sarah Luna, Vikram Krishnasamy, Louise Saw, et al.
Citation: MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 67(23), 659-662
Date: 06/2018
Type: Document
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Challenges Facing a Rural Opioid Epidemic: Treatment and Prevention of HIV and Hepatitis C
Presents a study on the current trends of HIV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection coinciding with the opioid epidemic and the strategies for treatment and prevention in rural areas. Highlights the barriers to HIV and HCV testing and treatment for rural people who inject drugs.
Author(s): Asher J. Schranz, Jessica Barrett, Christopher B. Hurt, et al.
Citation: Current HIV/AIDS Reports, 15(3), 245-254
Date: 06/2018
Type: Document
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The Impacts of Medicaid Expansion on Rural Low-Income Adults – Lessons from the Oregon Health Insurance Experiment
Describes a randomly controlled study examining Medicaid expansion. Includes data from interviews with 86 rural study participants discussing healthcare access, personal finances, and self-reported health status.
Author(s): Heidi Allen, Bill Wright, Lauren Broffman
Citation: Medical Care Research and Review, 75(3), 354-383
Date: 06/2018
Type: Document
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Medicaid Expansion and Community Health Centers: Care Quality and Service Use Increased for Rural Patients
Reports on a study to assess the impact of Medicaid expansion on quality of care and insurance coverage in rural and urban community health centers (CHCs), and to examine the impact of expansion on the volume of healthcare services provided by CHCs. Uses data from the 2011-15 or 2012-15 Uniform Data System collected by the Bureau of Primary Health Care of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).
Author(s): Megan B. Cole, Brad Wright, Ira B. Wilson, Omar Galárraga, Amal N. Trivedi
Citation: Health Affairs, 37(6), 900-907
Date: 06/2018
Type: Document
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Conducting a Randomized Trial in Rural and Urban Safety-Net Health Centers: Added Value of Community-Based Participatory Research
Results of a colorectal cancer screening study using data from two health networks comprising 11 Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) in metropolitan St. Louis and rural Missouri. Examines characteristics of the 483 participants and differences between the rural and urban health centers where the screenings took place. Features demographic statistics.
Author(s): Meera Muthukrishnan, Siobhan Sutcliffe, Jean M. Hunleth, et al.
Citation: Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 10, 29-35
Date: 06/2018
Type: Document
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Ecological Approaches to Promoting Active Living and Preventing Childhood Obesity
Features the opening keynote presentation by Dr. Jim Sallis at the 2018 Heartland Childhood Obesity Summit - Factors of Health: Addressing the Systems Influencing Childhood Obesity. Covers discussion on ecological models and evidence of environmental roles influencing active living and obesity in youth. Describes environmental disparities and mentions tool to assess rural communities' physical environment features and amenities, town characteristics, and other factors influencing rural residents' physical activity.
Author(s): James Sallis
Date: 06/2018
Type: Video/Multimedia
Sponsoring organizations: Children's Mercy Hospital, Health Resources and Services Administration, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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Closing Behavioral Health Workforce Gaps: A HRSA Program Expanding Direct Mental Health Service Access in Underserved Areas
Commentary describing HRSA's Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training program, an initiative to address behavioral health disparities through supply and distribution of providers to underserved areas. Includes statistics on employment status and location of 1,975 graduates of the program.
Author(s): Hayden O. Kepley, Robin A. Streeter
Citation: American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 54(6), Supplement 3, S190-S191
Date: 06/2018
Type: Document
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Changes in Influenza Vaccination Requirements for Health Care Personnel in US Hospitals
Results of a study comparing proportions of 1,062 hospitals that did or did not require personnel to be vaccinated for influenza between 2013-2017. Features statistics with breakdowns by urban or rural location and Veterans Affairs (VA) or non-VA hospital type.
Author(s): M. Todd Greene, Karen E. Fowler, David Ratz, et al.
Citation: JAMA Network Open 1(2)
Date: 06/2018
Type: Document
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Self-Reported Occupational Injuries and Perceived Occupational Health Problems among Latino Immigrant Swine Confinement Workers in Missouri
Describes self-reported occupational injuries and perceived occupational health problems among Latino immigrants working in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) in Missouri. Includes statistics on occupational injuries; health status; healthcare access; and demographics, such as age, education, English language proficiency, marital status, length of employment, and more.
Author(s): Athena K. Ramos, Axel Fuentes, Marcela Carvajal-Suarez
Citation: Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2018, 8710901
Date: 06/2018
Type: Document
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Addressing the Health Needs of Sex and Gender Minorities in New Mexico
Describes disparities among sexual and gender minority (SGM) populations in New Mexico. Covers issues and health behaviors specific to SGMs, including challenges rural SGMs face. Offers recommendations to address SGM health disparities and improve health.
Author(s): Doug Calderwood, Rebecca Dakota, Dawn Hunter, et al.
Date: 06/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: New Mexico Department of Health
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