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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Population health

Participation in Cultural Traditions Promotes Happiness and Peacefulness Among American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Elders
Explores the role traditional cultural practices play in the psychological wellness in American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian elders. Looks at rates of happiness, calmness, nervousness, and melancholy.
Author(s): Andrew Herting, Collette Adamsen
Date: 09/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Resource Center on Native American Aging
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Ensuring Access to Quality Health Care in Vulnerable Communities
Highlights the health characteristics and conditions of vulnerable populations in rural and urban communities, and the essential healthcare services as identified by the American Hospital Association Task Force on Ensuring Access in Vulnerable Communities. Discusses several strategies recommended by the task force to address social determinants of health, enhance virtual care services to reform healthcare delivery and payment methods, and support hospitals in their efforts to provide the needed health services.
Author(s): Jay Bhatt, Priya Bathija
Citation: Academic Medicine, 93(9), 1271-1275
Date: 09/2018
Type: Document
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Substance Use Disorder Treatment Policy Recommendations for the State of Indiana: Final Report - September 2018
Assessment of Indiana's treatment system for substance use disorders (SUDs), based on interviews with stakeholder groups, consultation with national experts, focus groups, and a review of public data sets. Includes 6 recommendations in the categories of treatment system transformation, SUD workforce, and underserved populations. Discusses barriers to treatment in rural areas.
Date: 09/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Pew Charitable Trusts
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Evaluation of ¡Vivir Mi Vida! To Improve Health and Wellness of Rural-Dwelling, Late Middle-aged Latino Adults: Results of a Feasibility and Pilot Study of a Lifestyle Intervention
Explores a study on the efficacy of a primary care intervention designed to improve the health and well-being of older rural Latino adults. Looks specifically at the ¡Vivir Mi Vida! program at a rural health clinic in the Antelope Valley of California that was aimed specifically at participants age 50-64.
Author(s): Stacey L. Schepens Niemiec, Jeanine Blanchard, Cheryl L. P. Vigen, et al.
Citation: Primary Health Care Research and Development, 19(5), 448-463
Date: 09/2018
Type: Document
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Pesticide Use and Incident Hypothyroidism in Pesticide Applicators in the Agricultural Health Study
Highlights a study of self-reported hypothyroidism in pesticide applicators in North Carolina and Iowa. Data is drawn from the Agricultural Health Study and is broken down by age, gender, and state of residence, among other factors.
Author(s): Srishti Shrestha, Christine G. Parks, Whitney S. Goldner, et al.
Citation: Environmental Health Perspectives, 126(9)
Date: 09/2018
Type: Document
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Trends in Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White Cesarean Delivery Rates on the U.S.-Mexico Border, 2000-2015
Reports on a study comparing cesarean delivery rates before and after 2009 for Hispanic and non-Hispanic white populations living in border and non-border counties of the four U.S.-Mexico border states. Study data was derived from the National Vital Statistics System U.S. Standard Certificate of Live Birth files, 2000 to 2015.
Author(s): Jill A. McDonald, Anup Amatya, Charlotte C. Gard, Jesus Sigala
Citation: PLoS One, 13(9)
Date: 09/2018
Type: Document
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Patterns of Screen Time Among Rural Mexican-American Children on the New Mexico-Mexico Border
Reports on a study to determine the screen use among children of Mexican ancestry who are 6 to 10 years living in 2 rural communities along the U.S. Mexico border. The focus of this study is to understand accepted social norms, and reduce sedentary behavior to decrease the prevalence of obesity in Hispanic populations.
Author(s): Jill A. McDonald, Christopher Sroka, Elizabeth Olivares, Merranda Marin, Maria Gurrola, Joseph R. Sharkey,
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 2018(15)
Date: 09/2018
Type: Document
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A Portfolio Analysis of Culturally Tailored Trials to Address Health and Healthcare Disparities
Examines the cultural tailoring strategies used in behavioral health trials among racial and ethnic minorities, rural populations, people with low socioeconomic status, individuals with disabilities, people with low health literacy, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) communities to improve quality of healthcare and reduce health disparities.
Author(s): Marisa Torres-Ruiz, Kaitlynn Robinson-Ector, Dionna Attinson, et al.
Citation: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(9), 1859
Date: 09/2018
Type: Document
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The Role of Social Support and the Neighborhood Environment on Physical Activity in Low-income, Mexican-American Women in South Texas
Presents a study on the effectiveness of a promotora-led intervention aimed at improving the rates of physical activity among low-income Mexican-American women in rural South Texas.
Author(s): Jennifer J. Salinas, Marisol McDaniel, Deborah Parra-Medina
Citation: Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, 51(5), 234-241
Date: 09/2018
Type: Document
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Hepatitis C Within a Single Health System: Progression Along the Cascade to Cure Is Higher for Those With Substance Misuse When Linked to a Clinic With Embedded Support Services
Recognizes the barriers to treatment of hepatitis C virus (HCV) by identifying patient and HCV clinic characteristics associated with the achievement of sustained virologic response (SVR) in a large medical center serving a rural population. Characteristics documented included proximity to the health center, household income and assets, availability of private insurance, medical comorbidities, and patients with recorded substance misuse. Suggests models for expanding access to treatment in rural areas through increased prescribing by primary care providers and through telehealth.
Author(s): J. E. Sherbuk, K. A. McManus, E. T. Rogawski McQuade, et al.
Citation: Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 5(9)
Date: 09/2018
Type: Document
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