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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Population health

Rural Residents Appear to be More Vulnerable to Serious Infection or Death From Coronavirus COVID-19
Examines trends in COVID-19 case rates and death rates for urban and rural areas. Discusses factors that may make rural residents more vulnerable to severe illness or death, including underlying health conditions, age, and healthcare access barriers.
Author(s): Elizabeth A. Dobis, David McGranahan
Citation: Amber Waves
Date: 02/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: USDA Economic Research Service
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Pharmacy Vaccination Service Availability in Nonmetropolitan Counties
Data brief exploring the availability of pharmacies that might be able to provide vaccinations in rural areas. Features statistics and county-level maps showing availability in nonmetropolitan areas of all retail pharmacies, partner chain/franchise pharmacies, and pharmacies offering immunization services.
Author(s): Fred Ullrich, Keith Mueller
Date: 02/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
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Broadening Research Participation Through Community Engagement
Discusses the role of research in Community Health Centers (CHCs) and the potential impact on community and population health. Analyzes potential barriers to CHC research such as capacity, need for leadership, and more, while offering strategies based on collaboration and systemic research approaches. Includes information and data relevant to CHCs in rural areas.
Date: 01/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Deloitte Center for Health Solutions, National Association of Community Health Centers
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Frontline Presence, Building Trust, Emergency Preparedness, and Lessons Learned: Q&A with Dr. Tim Putnam
An interview with Tim Putnam sharing rural health leadership insights from his experiences as a rural hospital CEO, a member of a White House task force, and in an academic healthcare policy position.
Author(s): Kay Miller Temple
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 01/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Pesticide Exposure and Incident Thyroid Cancer Among Male Pesticide Applicators in Agricultural Health Study
Analyzed 53,096 male pesticide applicators in Iowa and North Carolina from the Agricultural Health Study (AHS) for incidences of thyroid cancer. Participants were surveyed at enrollment in the study between 1993 and 1997 and then interviewed again between 1999 and 2005. Data show incidences of thyroid cancer with a break down of age, state, production type, and more. Also shows association between thyroid cancer risk and long-term use of pesticides.
Author(s): Catherine C. Lerro, Laura E. Beane Freeman, Curt T. DellaValle, et al.
Citation: Environmental International 146 (2021), 106187
Date: 01/2021
Type: Document
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A Just Recovery for Rural Equity in Wisconsin
Provides information for advancing health equity, with respect to the impact of COVID-19, for rural populations in Wisconsin. Discusses topics fundamental to supporting rural health equity including: healthcare access, broadband and infrastructure, food and agriculture, job security, and availability of social services. Identifies proven policies and practices that can be implemented at the local and state level.
Date: 01/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute
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Paving the Way to Equity: A Progress Report (2015-2021)
Provides an overview of the 2015 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Equity Plan for Improving Quality in Medicare and its Path to Equity, an organizing framework to achieve health equity. Discusses ways CMS has demonstrated progress in increasing understanding and awareness of disparities, developing and disseminating solutions to health equity, and implementing sustainable actions to achieve health equity. Considers emerging opportunities to build on this progress toward health equity. Includes information on rural disparities throughout.
Date: 01/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
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Community Social Determinants and Health Outcomes Drive Availability of Patient-Centered Medical Homes
Examines the geographic distribution of patient-centered medical homes and whether they appear in communities with greater disease burdens and social vulnerability. Analyzes spatial clusters of mental and physical health surveys, health behaviors, and premature mortality and compares these metrics with medical home saturation and sociodemographic characteristics, including rurality.
Author(s): Nathaniel Bell, Rebecca Wilkerson, Kathy Mayfield-Smith, Ana Lopez-De Fede
Citation: Health & Place, 67, 102439
Date: 01/2021
Type: Document
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Understanding Challenges to Well-Being among Latina FarmWorkers in Rural Idaho Using in an Interdisciplinary, Mixed-Methods Approach
Identifies social, cultural, and workplace-related risk factors impacting well-being in the public and private spheres of 70 female farmworkers in southwestern Idaho. Focuses on 6 themes specific to rural geography and farmworker populations, including long working hours, pesticide exposure, lack of enforcement of regulatory protections, food security, childcare responsibilities, and social isolation.
Author(s): Cynthia L. Curl, Lisa Meierotto, Rebecca L. Som Castellano
Citation: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(1), 169
Date: 01/2021
Type: Document
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Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Rural America
Highlights a study on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on rural America. Explores outcomes in the areas of physical and mental health, household income, and overall well-being. Discusses shifts in employment and their impact on personal and local economies.
Author(s): J. Tom Mueller, Kathryn McConnell, Paul Berne Burow, et al.
Citation: PNAS, 118(1), 2019378118
Date: 01/2021
Type: Document
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