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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Population health

Dangerous by Design: 2021
Provides data on numbers of people who were struck by motor vehicles and killed while walking. Ranks the most dangerous states and metropolitan areas for pedestrians, and addresses disparities among groups of people at greatest risk of dying while walking. Features a section on dangers faced by pedestrians in rural areas (p. 27-28), and includes statistics on pedestrian fatalities from 2010-2019 with breakdowns by state.
Author(s): Rayla Bellis, Becca Buthe, Martina Guglielmone
Date: 03/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: National Complete Streets Coalition, Smart Growth America
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2021 Idaho Primary Care Needs Assessment
Identifies Idaho communities with the greatest unmet healthcare needs, disparities, and healthcare workforce shortages, and discusses key barriers to accessing preventive and primary care services. Includes sections on Health Professional Shortage Areas, Medically Underserved Areas and Populations, the Idaho State Loan Repayment Program, the Rural Physician Incentive Program, primary care educational opportunities, and advanced medical training programs in Idaho. Features maps showing urban, rural, and frontier areas, locations of Rural Health Clinics, and locations of Critical Access Hospitals.
Author(s): Alex Prado
Date: 03/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Idaho Bureau of Rural Health and Primary Care
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Mississippi Primary Care Needs Assessment
Identifies Mississippi communities with the greatest unmet healthcare needs and offers recommendations for allocating resources, managing shortage designations, and coordinating the recruitment and retention of healthcare professionals. Includes sections on social determinants of health, Health Professional Shortage Areas, Graduate Medical Education, and workforce development. Features statistics on various diseases and health conditions.
Date: 03/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Mississippi Office of Rural Health, Mississippi State Department of Health
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Measuring Neighborhood Deprivation for Childhood Health and Development: Scale Implications in Rural and Urban Context
Examines administrative neighborhood definitions such as census tract, block group, and school district as well as egocentric GIS neighborhood definitions in relationship to socioeconomic deprivation and their impact on childhood health and development. Utilizes the Family Life Project sample of families in North Carolina and Pennsylvania to evaluate neighborhood deprivation along the urban-rural continuum.
Author(s): Alexandra Ursache, Seann Regan, Allison De Marco, Dustin T. Duncan
Citation: Geospatial Health, 16(1)
Date: 03/2021
Type: Document
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New Hampshire Statewide Primary Care Needs Assessment
Identifies the New Hampshire communities with the greatest unmet healthcare needs, disparities, and health workforce shortages, and also identifies the key barriers to accessing healthcare for these communities. Features statistics on demographics, barriers to care, workforce, preventive care, substance use and mental health, maternal health, and outcomes, with breakdowns by rural and nonrural locations. Data in this report represents the New Hampshire landscape from 2013-2019, prior to COVID-19 impacts.
Date: 03/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: New Hampshire Rural Health & Primary Care
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Vermont Baseline Needs Assessment: Rural Practitioners and Community Stakeholders
Report details a needs assessment of Vermont's rural practitioners' capacity to treat substance use disorder (SUD). Breaks down workforce distribution by county and highlights their concern about various substances encountered in their practices. Discusses the need for consultation, resources, training, and technical assistance to facilitate SUD treatment.
Additional links: Report Summary
Date: 03/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Vermont Center on Rural Addiction
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Rural-Urban Disparities: Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Disease, and Stroke Mortality Among Black and White Adults, 1999–2018
Article examining racial disparities in diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and stroke mortality, comparing Black and White populations and breaking down data by rural and urban location using CDC Wonder 1999-2018 data. Discusses trends in racial disparities in urban and rural areas.
Author(s): Rahul Aggarwal, Nicholas Chiu, Emefah C. Loccoh, et al.
Citation: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 77(11), 1480-1481
Date: 03/2021
Type: Document
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Factors Affecting Adoption of Coordinated Anxiety Learning and Management (CALM) in Veterans' Affairs Community-Based Outpatient Clinics
Explores the efficacy of a training program designed to educate rural providers on evidence-based psychotherapies (EBPs) in VHA affiliated clinics. Details the barriers and facilitators of the program in rural areas and features the perspectives of providers who participated in the program.
Author(s): Anthony H. Ecker, Traci H. Abraham, Lindsey A. Martin, et al.
Citation: Journal of Rural Health, 37(2), 447-455
Date: 03/2021
Type: Document
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Family-Centered Prevention Effects on the Association Between Racial Discrimination and Mental Health in Black Adolescents: Secondary Analysis of 2 Randomized Clinical Trials
Details a study exploring the efficacy of family-centered prevention programs in protecting rural Black adolescents from the mental health consequences of racial discrimination. Highlights two programs operating in 12 rural counties in Georgia. Breaks down data for both programs by family socioeconomic risk, encountered discrimination, and depressive/anxious symptoms, among other factors.
Author(s): Gene H. Brody, Tianyi Yu, Edith Chen, et al.
Citation: JAMA Network Open, 4(3), e211964
Date: 03/2021
Type: Document
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Healing Tool - Pocket Guide for Addressing Behavioral Health Goals in Native Communities
Provides data and strategies for addressing mental health and substance use issues in American Indian and Alaska Native communities. Discusses issues around stigma, medication-assisted treatment, and traditional healing practices, among other measures, for creating culturally competent care in tribal communities.
Author(s): Shirley M. Cain
Date: 03/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National American Indian and Alaska Native Addiction Technology Transfer Center
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