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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Population health

Depression and Integrated Care
Webinar recording discusses access to treatment for depression via integrated care. Highlights best practices for overcoming barriers to depression treatment, particularly in rural areas.
Additional links: Video Recording, Webinar Slides
Date: 12/2021
Type: Video/Multimedia
Sponsoring organization: Mountain Plains Mental Health Technology Transfer Center
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2021 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report
Provides a comprehensive summary and data analysis of healthcare quality and access in the U.S. Includes a discussion of disparities encountered by race/ethnicity and geographic locations along the rural-urban continuum. Addresses access to healthcare, patient safety, person-centered care, care coordination, effective treatment, healthy living, and care affordability.
Date: 12/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
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Variation in Use of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Monoclonal Antibody Therapies by Social Vulnerability and Urbanicity
Examines the variation in the use of the first two monoclonal antibody therapies for COVID-19 from November 2020 through March 2021. Presents data on the demographic characteristics of monoclonal antibody recipients and social vulnerability indices. Includes a discussion of the use of this therapy by urbanicity and density of primary care physicians.
Author(s): Allison Kolbe
Date: 12/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
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Disparities in the Use of In-Person and Telehealth Primary Care Among High- and Low-Risk Medicare Beneficiaries During COVID-19
Study examining telehealth and in-person primary care for low-risk and high-risk Medicare beneficiaries, assessing telehealth's ability to compensate for fewer in-person clinical visits due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Describes rural and urban differences in health risk and telehealth utilization. Analyzes data from Medicare beneficiaries from an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) in Wisconsin.
Author(s): Ying Jessica Cao, Dandi Chen, Yao Liu, Maureen Smith
Citation: Journal of Patient Experience, 8, 1-10
Date: 12/2021
Type: Document
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Quantifying the Food and Physical Activity Environments in Rural, High Obesity Communities
Results of a study to assess the nutrition and physical activity environments in rural South Dakota communities with high rates of obesity, to understand whether there are common strengths and challenges that emerge across communities. Features a comparison of availability of various healthful food options between grocery and convenience stores and pricing for healthful vs. regular food options in grocery stores and convenience stores.
Author(s): Lacey A. McCormack, Jessica R. Meendering, Linda Burdette, et al.
Citation: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(24), 13344
Date: 12/2021
Type: Document
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Grantee Directory: Rural Northern Border Region Planning Program, 2021-2023
Provides contact information and a brief overview of the four initiatives funded under the Rural Northern Border Region Planning Program, which supports planning activities to address rural health issues in the northern border region.
Date: 12/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Federal Office of Rural Health Policy
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Alaska Healthy and Equitable Communities Strategic Plan, 2022-2025
Describes goals and strategies to increase health equity in Alaska, including specific population health concerns and goals for Alaska Native communities and rural populations. Presents data from meetings and surveys that represent views of healthy and equitable communities as well as changes to improve health and equity in the state.
Date: 12/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Alaska Department of Health, Alaska Division of Public Health
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COVID-19 National Emergency: Early Trends in Hospitalizations for Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program Health Conditions and 30-Day Readmission Rates
Provides an overview of the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program (HRRP). Describes monthly trends in hospitalizations of Medicare beneficiaries for HRRP conditions before and after the implementation of COVID-19 emergency measures through September 30, 2020. Examines how monthly trends in unadjusted 30-day readmission rates before and after implementation of COVID-19 emergency measures and how these rates differ by sociodemographic characteristics, including rurality. Discusses policy opportunities and interventions to enhance post-discharge follow-up and reduce readmission rates.
Date: 12/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
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Veteran Oral Health: Expanding Access and Equity
Report discusses the oral health disparities and barriers to access for veterans. Features data pertaining to the oral health status of rural veterans and explores oral health coverage among veterans.
Author(s): Annaliese Cothron, Sean Boynes, Chelsea Chokas, et al.
Date: 12/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: American Institute of Dental Public Health, CareQuest Institute for Oral Health
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Oral Health in America: Advances and Challenges
Report explores the relationship oral health has to overall health and wellness. Discusses the societal factors that affect oral health and oral healthcare access. Features a discussion on rural oral health disparities and access to care in rural areas.
Additional links: Errata Notice, Executive Summary
Date: 12/2021
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, National Institutes of Health
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